What controller will benefit me?


Sep 21, 2005
New York
I know a few of you guys are using controllers to make music...just wanted to know what you guys were using and what would benefit myself and the plugins I'm using....so far I have DFH superior and Ezdrummer, East West Symphony Orchestra and Hardcore Bass, NI FM7 and a few others...whats good? My budget is $200-500 Thanks in advance :worship:
I've been really happy with my M-Audio Axiom. You get a full keyboard plus drum pads and assignable knobs, really easy to use.

For doing drums, I also have a Korg padKontrol, which is probably the coolest looking piece of gear in my studio and has some amazing features such as rolls and an integrated Kaoss pad. If you have the Axiom, you don't really need this, but I think it's so killer I had to get one, and it's definitely my favorite drum controller ever.

I use these controllers with EZD, DFHS, Battery, Kontakt, M-Tron, MOTU Symphonic Instrument, MOTU MX4, and MOTU Ethno among others.
I have an Axiom 49 and I think I may have been fine with the 25 except I plan on actually learning to play piano so I miay actually make use off all these keys taking up all this real estate on my desk in front of me :lol:

I do sometimes wish it had 10 pads, though, to match my Reason ReDrum.
Well when I was in the market (just purchased a few days ago) I was debating between the Axiom 61 or the full size 88es only because the full size board would help me in the long run with playing without having to switch octives (though that's rare on a 61 key). I then got a Behringer BCR2000 MIDI controller which has many many knobs you can assign to do virtually anything you tell it to so that makes up for all the knobs the 88es does not have. I plan on picking up a pad later on when I get my classical guitar but for the mean time, the keys on the 88es will be fine.