What could I do to make these guitars more "solid"?


More cowbell!
Aug 24, 2011
I thought this mix was ok but, although it's coherent, there's a serious lack of body in the guitars imo. I think the bass tone is good so I didn't touch it. I tried to add some 750Hz and/or some 350Hz but it didn't solve the problem. It added a muddy feel. Then tried to push around 70-80Hz: didn't seem to be the right spot...

Perhaps, the solution could be to push down some frequencies but don't know which ones.

Any advice?

EDIT: Did some changes (links also in my last post)

150-ish Hz sounds like it could save the stuff... Will try tomorrow. I will have to reduce this range on bass I guess.
Actually I produced, mixed the tracks and wrote the big part of the arrangements but the guys found this sample on the Internet. I just EQd it a bit and added a lil' compression. Cool ambiance tho imo.

Nothing bad for you in the mix?

I boosted around 170-260Hz, reduced at 820Hz and 6.2kHz and boosted some 1.7kHz for the bite. My ears are pretty tired now so please let me what you think! Here are 2 clips for easier comparison:

AFTER 2 (more accentuated)

I am also interested in having your opinion about the guitar sound in general, that's actually for first time I use this kind of gear.. ;)

I boosted around 170-260kHz, reduced at 820Khz and 6.2Hz and boosted some 1.7kHz for the bite. My ears are pretty tired now so please let me what you think! Here are 2 clips for easier comparison:


I am also interested in having your opinion about the guitar sound in general, that's actually for first time I use this kind of gear.. ;)

That is so much better now, the whole mix has filled out nicely. Just goes to show you how important a good guitar tone really is to a mix.
Thank you so much man for your advice, it helped A LOT!

I added a third link more accentuated ('AFTER 2'). I think it's a bit better. And yeah, a good tone is essential!
BTW, as I wasn't able to work with a real amp, I used Metal Amp Room EQd (SSL4000) + VCC, PT EQ and C4 on the guitar buss. It's the very first time I use an amp sim and it's pretty decent imo.
I feel like the first After clip is seated better, After 2 took it too far I think, not the right tone balance. In my opinion of course.
I feel like the first After clip is seated better, After 2 took it too far I think, not the right tone balance. In my opinion of course.

After listened to the two last clips many times on different speakers, it appears that the third one is maybe a bit too much.

Other opinions?