What do u think about the new Soilwork album?

I heard some songs of the album live and I didnt like them. I remember awful choruses and I really couldn't get into the whole music. All of my friends say that they suck. They say the singer would rap sometimes and the music would be too soft in some songs and in some other songs it would be too hard. I was never their biggest fan and I don't think that they are a good live band but they are a good studio band.
I really like Speed's clean vocals, they are much better than Friden's. When i heard Departure Plan i waqs like WTF? i would never expect Soilwork to do such a song. Rejection Role also rules, but i still need some time to listen to the others song (i have listened half the album today). IMO it's in the NBC vein.
Devy_Metal said:
i think theyre the most over rated band to ever come out of sweden.

hahahahahaha, you must be joking right... I can easily name five bands that would better fit that position...

Soilwork are really good, okay, they softened alot through the years, and became more "poppy", but I like the last album a lot.

Conclusion: the album is grrrrreat!
The only good reason i bought it was because it came with a second CD with the 2 demos from 1997 which were pretty good. This version is limited though.
It's awesome and a so much more of an improvement since NBC which was a bit monotonous to me. I really like Speed's vocals and the title track is one of the best on the song. Still, Brickwalker has the most boring chorus and it feels like it had better been placed on NBC