What do you guys think of Doom 3 so far?

I actually thought it was a bit easy. I'm a little bit further than you, TB. I just got back from Hell and completed a level or two. But Hell is pretty fucking hard. So many hell knights and mancubus.
Yeah, I think Im about to get into hell (the level where you have to find the guy the plasma inducer?!?). Right now it is getting a little bit better because the levels seem to have a little more variety, but the first 5 hours of the game are really boring after you've gotten over the graphics, and after most of the monsters have been "introduced". I think they really should have used some more variety in choosing which monsters you fight. I mean, Ive fought so many zombies with guns, and so many damn imps. THey spawn in every damn room, it gets really annoying. Ive only fought like 6 pinky demons, and those are just so awesome. It is definitely a great EXPERIENCE, it's a very immersive game, and if you dont get sick of the levels, it's great. Can't wait to play in hell, just stuck on that stupid puzzle with the crates and everything.
Yeah, I think Im about to get into hell (the level where you have to find the guy the plasma inducer?!?). Right now it is getting a little bit better because the levels seem to have a little more variety, but the first 5 hours of the game are really boring after you've gotten over the graphics, and after most of the monsters have been "introduced". I think they really should have used some more variety in choosing which monsters you fight. I mean, Ive fought so many zombies with guns, and so many damn imps. THey spawn in every damn room, it gets really annoying. Ive only fought like 6 pinky demons, and those are just so awesome. It is definitely a great EXPERIENCE, it's a very immersive game, and if you dont get sick of the levels, it's great. Can't wait to play in hell, just stuck on that stupid puzzle with the crates and everything.
Yeah, I think Im about to get into hell (the level where you have to find the guy the plasma inducer?!?). Right now it is getting a little bit better because the levels seem to have a little more variety, but the first 5 hours of the game are really boring after you've gotten over the graphics, and after most of the monsters have been "introduced". I think they really should have used some more variety in choosing which monsters you fight. I mean, Ive fought so many zombies with guns, and so many damn imps. THey spawn in every damn room, it gets really annoying. Ive only fought like 6 pinky demons, and those are just so awesome. It is definitely a great EXPERIENCE, it's a very immersive game, and if you dont get sick of the levels, it's great. Can't wait to play in hell, just stuck on that stupid puzzle with the crates and everything.
And yeah, the gameplay isn't.. like, very evolved. It is pretty much standard combat, but that doesn't bother me at all. The atmosphere in the game is so intense and creepy that I just don't care. It's so much fun.
Yeah, I figured it out...duh. Im just stupid man...first I though about getting on the box as it was put back (at the bottom) and use the rest of them as stairs, but then I was like, wtf, that thing swings right by the ledge!!! ARGHHH@!!! I was pissed, so easy, yet I probably spent about half of an hour on it. Yeah, the gameplay is nothing special, but man, it really has so many scary moments, in one word, I would describe the single player game as INTENSE. It's really creepy, and the audio totally sucks you into the game, at the smallest creak or slam you will bust out the shotgun and look around you five times for some imps. I really hate those commando guys with the tentacles, they're damn fast, and they bitchslap you hehe...
The easiest way to deal with those commando things are ducking the whip and then shotgunning them in the stomach. Usually it only takes one or two blasts.

But yeah, this game is pretty awesome I think. I'm really satisfied with it so far. I'm almost done with it. It gets a lot more interesting after Hell.
I actually can't try the multiplayer out until I actually.. buy the game. I am low on funds but hopefully I'll be able to grab it in the next couple of weeks. I feel bad about pirating video games, especially good ones.

But I've heard mixed things. Some people say it's a fresh, fun look at multiplayer, even though it's basically rudimentary.. and others say it's not good at all. BUT! Most of the Quake 3 mod makers swear allegiance to id and Doom 3 so we will probably see some very interesting multiplayer stuff in the coming months.
I beat the game already, i have a 1.6ghz p4 and 512mb PC-133 ram and with some Doomconfig.cfg tweaking and enhancements i got up to 40 FPS on High quality...
theres alot of tweaking potention in the Doomconfig.cfg file..
I just finished the Hell level last night, and damn was it awesome. Easily one of the coolest creations yet seen in a video game.
ænimated said:
it's OK, kinda boring and repetitive as was said...

and the fact that it lags a bit is kinda sad too...

Only because your computer isn't up to it though.