My best mix so far! What do you guys think?


The Apprentice
My long time best friend/bandmate and I have started a new band and have been slaving over the computer to write the best music we can. This is the first one that has been properly recorded and edited. I cant wait to get vocals finished for this. Mix Oct 22.mp3

What do you guys think about the songwriting and mix? My biggest concern is that I might have it limited too hard.
You should use a different kick sample in the intro, it sorta ruins the cool sounding piano. The snare seems a little small and dry for my taste. Overall, I like the song writing and I'd like to see where it's headed once it has vocals tracked.
Dude, I really dig it. Personally, I think the intro kick is fine but maybe a tad loud. overall mix is very solid. I do agree about the snare, it does sound a little small in the mix. Your mix is really rad though! definitely interested to here a finished product.