My new bands first single. What do you guys think?

Nice dude, I really like it. I think everything could be brought out a bit more in mastering, but I really dig that guitar tone, could we get some info on what your guitar chain was? I am recording a band currently and this is like the exact tone i'm trying to get and it's escaping me.
Sweet, sounds good. However, i noticed a weird low freq niose on some parts. It may be the bass guitar or something. It really noticeable on my monitors on several occasions at 0:19 to 0:30.
Nice dude, I really like it. I think everything could be brought out a bit more in mastering, but I really dig that guitar tone, could we get some info on what your guitar chain was? I am recording a band currently and this is like the exact tone i'm trying to get and it's escaping me.

Definitely man, I'm glad you like it.

I'll have to get back to you on the guitar chain since I can't remember exactly what went into it and I'm not near my computer right now. The guitars were recorded with a dunlop heavy core 7-string set. I do remember using the screamer + criminal + mesa 4x12 + 67 condensor. But I'll have to look at the details.
Okay here's the exact settings from the left guitar.
Screamer: Drive 8, Gain 71, Tone 66
Criminal Head: Drive 41, Bass 90, Mids 14, Treble 91, Presence 81
4x12 Treadplate: Room 33% 67 Condensor
EQ: HP at 124hz, LP at 10.3k, -5db Q2 at 623hz

And here's a picture of the eq and multiband comp on my guitar bus. The eq might seem a little extreme haha
The editing gets a little rough around 2 minutes in, personally I have never been a fan of the sound of the 'condenser' preset in pod farm, it has this really strange scooped sound. All in all it's sounding pretty good! As some of the other guys said just watch the low end.
The editing gets a little rough around 2 minutes in, personally I have never been a fan of the sound of the 'condenser' preset in pod farm, it has this really strange scooped sound. All in all it's sounding pretty good! As some of the other guys said just watch the low end.

I never really liked it much either but when I originally reamped the guitars i just literally made that patch in a couple of minutes without really thinking about it. I just did it to show the guys a rough mix but after throwing them in the mix and doing some eq, I loved it.

But thanks! We went ahead and released it without fixing that low end noise. They were pretty anxious to get it out before our show and I'm ready to be done so I can start on our next song which is looking even better :)

I'm also really excited because I finally have some other people interested in recording with me. Do you think it would be acceptable to just record the drums with one condensor and just use the recording as reference so I can draw them out in midi?
The snare needs more body. Maybe shape it, or compress the hit in there more. Also guitars are way too loud for the drums. Cymbals are washed out. Volumes are the main issue I feel. Music is fantastic
The snare needs more body. Maybe shape it, or compress the hit in there more. Also guitars are way too loud for the drums. Cymbals are washed out. Volumes are the main issue I feel. Music is fantastic

Hey thanks a lot man! I hear what you are talking about now but unfortunately its too late to change anything. Guess I'll just have to do better on the next song! I always find it difficult to find a good volume balance between the guitars and drums.