What do you prefer to play bloodbath with?


AKA Porn-Fingers
Jun 29, 2003
I have a couple of basses and i only use one to play bloodbath with.

This is the Cort Artisan A6


Its in B naturally and its got a fatter sound then the others.



So what do you guys like to jam out with?

Im expecting to see lots of guitars.

But feel free drummers to post your kits, or your "more metal sounding" snare or something.
I'm getting one of these 7-stringers in a matter of weeks:


It's definitely gonna be nice to finally play some B-tuned music ;) The only thing that doesn't shine about the guitar is that is a Fear Factory signature. But I'm gonna have to live with that. At least I have my Boss HM-2 to Bloodbath-ify the sound of it :headbang:
*waits for Tumn to reply*


I have no choice at the moment. I'm stuck playing everything on a crap Squire strat (only the middle pickup works), a small Fender amp and a Boss XT-2 pedal. Until I get back to Canada anyway.
About all I can do for Bloodbath is some vocals, so...

Basically, the best sound I've ever had was using a condenser mic and assloads of compression. As much compression as you can get. Over my friend's house, we ran my voice through a condenser mic, and inf-1 compressed it 3 times. Absolutely crushing.
*BC Rich NJ Beast w/ D'Addario .010-.046 strings (still trying to figure out about the pickups....give me some feedback about either Dimarzio Super Distortion, or EMG 81/85 guys plz!!)

*Samick Guitar (first guitar i purchased back in 95, lol)

*Behringer V-Tone Amp (want to get a Marshall...not in my price range at the moment)(thinking about getting a Vader sometime in the near future :D)

*Boss HM-2 or Digitech Death Metal Pedal

*Fender Strat Bass (4 string red piece of SHIT, i gotta steal my buddies Ibanez 5-string sometime, hehe)

*Crappy drum set (made better by me)
- remo heads and skins
- 3 toms, 2 snares, 1 low tom, 1 high hat, 5 cymbols, 1 bass drum (thinking about switching it to 2 bass drums)
- machine gun sounding snare \m/ and a flat sounding snare
(thats so much better than my bands drummer's snare, hehe)
- double chain Iron Cobra double bass pedal
stefan86 said:
I'm getting one of these 7-stringers in a matter of weeks


My mate got that Hellraiser pretty recently. 7 strings rule!

Had a audition / jam with two 7 strings and the sound was fat as. They have a more open high end on them that gives the low end something.

Hey man fear factory arnt THAT bad, it could be like sliptknow or something super bad like HANSON! MMM BOP Signiture! *shudders*
Purple fade Yamaha Advantage Stage Custom: 10" 12" 14" (soon to add a 8" and 16") toms, 22" x 18" bass, 14" x 5" yamaha maple snare (i HATE piccolo snares)

Evans G2 clear skins

Sabian Paragon 13" Highhats (sickest i've ever heard)
Sabian HHX Evolution 16" and 17" crashes
Solar ride (soon going to be replaced by a 21" sabian dry ride with raw bell)
Ufip 12 Highhat top (as splash)
Soon going to get 19" Sabian Paragon Chinese and 8" and 10" Paragon splashes

Yamaha Flying Dragon double chain driven double kick (soon going to get a second bass drum)

Once i'm done paying school i'mm be able tog et myself some more gear, but this set up when tuned properly is one of the sickest sounding kits i've ever heard (that's why i bought it lol). And the hardware is amazing to work with. I like my double pedal cuz it doesn't restrict you like the Iron Cobra and it's smooth and kick with alot of power. Great for jamming outnumbering the day =)
it's an Epiphone Tony Iommi signature SG [or officially, the G-400], because I don't have $5,000 to spend on a guitar with a glued on neck, and Gibson also stopped making their version. Epiphone's version is a bit different... multipiece construction, rosewood fingerboard, and five MoP crosses instead of 12 sterling silver ones. Pickups are still the same and the thing sounds fucking awesome..

The cab is shit: Leigion by Madison.