what do you think about "medieval total war viking Invasion"??

hi guys.

I'd like to know what do you think about "Medieval total war viking invasion"(the extension of "medieval total war").
As for me :In this extension , you're able to play the VIKINGS from 793 AD (raid on Lindisfarne) to 1066AD ( Stampfor bridge)(hihihihi).
As well, i found it's a great shame that you can just play on Great britain, Ireland and some Scandinavians' countries' territories( all these names are those of modern countries...)............
Indeed, as you must know, they played a major part elsewhere,like in the Frankish Kingdom where i think , you would be able to play great and fun battles,In the modern Russia with Novgorod............I think they didn't use the Entire potential of this awesome Era
Even so, one of it's strong point is you can play numerous races within Viking campain(8 including the Vikings),on the single map of GB and Scan Countries!
Furthermore,it's actually a reallistic game, oyu can train Berzerkers, Thegns( saxons)...............
here we are, nd ,by the way, i'm notbeatingthe drums forthat game, just giving what i think..........^^ :grin:
Medieval Total War is Real Time Strategy. I think- never actually played it, just watched someone play once. There may be some turn based parts, I can't remember. I know it's for PC, not sure about consoles.
Yeah, Brainkisser is in the right when he saws it's a Real time strategy game.
it's based on a tour basis, that's to say, you can do an amount of things (move armies across your realm, give just the order to train a unit..........give order to build a building...
and, when you "pass/turn" the tour, the unit you formerly ordered is trained, your army that you moved in the prior tour can afresh move.............
but, for example, you have to hand on for several tours to complete a building's construction....
there we are, i gave these instances to show you how this game function.
i must second guilty gear. My obsesson for now goes to Spliter Cell: Chaos theory. You'd think that with each game the whole stealth thing would get stagnant, but this is absolutely my favorite part by far. you also have added electrical vision in this one.

also, the new zelda looks promising. its too bad i dont have a gamecube.