Some rambling on the topic...
Projector has some great growling, although Haven might be technically better. I think his voice is deeper and more gritty than on Haven, but that could have more to do with how it's mixed at the fore, or because Projector sounds less "deep" than Haven, due to the absence of electronica, which brings out Mikael's voice better.
Lethe, Punish my Heaven and Alone '94 feature his "weeping growls" that have an effect similar to his voice breaking down into weeping, something absolutely unique, and very powerful since they are used so sparingly.
Mikael also puts on a great display on Skydancer, with his clean voice sounding quite a bit less contrived and pretentious, which unfortunately plagues some moments of Projector (Dobermann).
Away Delight Away is indeed a great show of his voice, featuring both his deeper bass growling (now the only mode) and the shrieking, Gothenburg style voice. In the part where Phyros mentions, he changes from whispered growls to shrieking and then into deep growling when the guitar melody kicks in, a classic moment without doubt.
I think The Gallery features his least excellent display of vocals. The multisampling of his voice (so it sounds there are two growlers, overlapping very often) is a bit too obvious and overdone, his later efforts have shown that Mikael's voice is strong enough by itself.
As for Damaged Done, I'm fearing that the album will start to sound monotonous because of the lack of variety in the vocal departement. Although TMI had excellent growling moments, I find myself tired when listening to the album from beginning to end. Haven just sounded monotonous throughout (musically), so I'm not sure if the vocals are to blame.