What do you think of this guitar sound?

Murphdawg, what the fuck is an excoriating lambaste dude? haha

And yes, ezdrummer is cool as a sketch pad, but uploading something for the world to listen to with ezdrummer is inexcusable and you know it is. Would you EVER put out anything with EZDrummer that you wouldn't be ashamed to have your name attached to? Me neither. I'm constantly striving for a more professional sound and I've known for fucking years that I wasn't going to get it with ezdrummer.
Whether the attack on ezdrummer is relevant or not doesn't really matter, my post would have been vastly incomplete without yelling at him for using it.
As for the vocals? There is nothing you can say to defend them, you're a sensible guy, you realised this instantly I'm sure. However you're tactful and I have as much of a tact deficiency as anorexic people have a burger deficiency.

I dunno about oneupmanship, I'm just on my man period because I haven't slept and I already dislike this kid haha. So it had to be done. Glad you smiled though haha. I saw you'd posted and just thought "oh shit."
wow, excoriating lambaste. ty dictionary.com
that's getting added to my list of "big words to use when raeging at cunts"
cheers murph haha
Fuck me, it is a 6 string and it looks like a 25.5 inch scale guitar.

Let me just say this.

25.5 inch scale and any lower than A standard = GET THE FUCK OUT.

There is a fucking reason why they make guitars with extended scale lengths.
Want to tune to "E#"?
27 inch scale minimum.

Please tell me I'm wrong and that you one of the Jackson 27 inch scale length guitars that was discontinued a few years ago. Because good fucking lord, tune that fucking thing back up to a respectable tuning for a 25.5 inch scale guitar.

I have only gotten an interest in Audio Engineering 4 months ago and my most recent guitar tones sound utterly professional compared to that.
Do you know WHY?
Because I actually fucking LISTENED to guys like Gareth, Ermz, Lasse, Daniel/Nebulous, Metaltastic/Marcus and of course Sneap etc etc and their advice they have to give.
I also listened to productions with a critical ear (as good as it's gonna get for someone fairly inexperienced anyway).
I also don't fucking tune my 25.5 inch scale guitars down to "E#" either.

And just so you know, now that we have seen it says "E#" in your video, every time you start a new thread, we will make sure that even if the topic has nothing to do with guitars, the topic of having your guitar tuned to "E#" will be brought up once and it will be a reminder of this thread and Gareth's response towards you.
There is no escaping this now.
i think there's probably a reason no other band has a song called "kicking your head in."
I once named a project I had going "Kicking your Head In".
Unfortunately, my lack of being able to tune to "E#" prevented that from becoming a reality.
So instead I called it the "Oh man, I actually listen to constructive criticism song"
Uh while the replies so far was kinda fun to read, I'm kinda wondering what exactly did OP do to deserve the hostile and personal attacks ? (have not read any other of his topics btw). Yeah he did kinda go defense when someone dident like the tone, but as far as I could see he was not rude or something like that


EDIT: BTW I agree with the criticism on the tone, sounds to fuzzy and undefined.. and a youtube video is most of the time not good enough to base a opinion on IMO.
See the pink part of Owen's sig.
See video in original post.
See complete lack of anything of any quality.

Then there's his posts on UG offering re-amping with VST's where he can aparrently better The Black Album. I then instigated a tone-off between him and Ryan (which he backed out from because he's a dick.) If you'd heard his tones this would be even more hilarious.
He then offered drum re-amping with ezdrummer, which even your average UG forum-goer found utterly hilarious.
But yeah, this is Ultimate Guitar we're talking about, whatevs.
Then he proceeded to try it here and got laughed at.

Then he posted this video and made me despise the human race. Being made to despise the human race is a pretty fucking tall order. He had this one coming
Wait, this was the guy that was offering midi turned into DKFH tracks on this forum for money?

Oh man, shit i find this even funnier now :lol:
Uh while the replies so far was kinda fun to read, I'm kinda wondering what exactly did OP do to deserve the hostile and personal attacks ? (have not read any other of his topics btw). Yeah he did kinda go defense when someone dident like the tone, but as far as I could see he was not rude or something like that


EDIT: BTW I agree with the criticism on the tone, sounds to fuzzy and undefined.. and a youtube video is most of the time not good enough to base a opinion on IMO.

I wanted no mids at all, Meshuggah have no mids. I was trying to get a Meshuggah'ry style sound, its why it was detuned so low. Anyway, it will have chunk once the bass is added and the song is finished.

Thanks dude, This is the rough mix of the song, I still have to add the bass to it.

Well, let's see.
First off, he practically pissed all over advice that was given to him.
Second, in his ultimate wisdom, he is quite certain of himself that adding a bass guitar to his mix will suddenly make his guitar tone have proper chunk, definition and articulation.
And he said Meshuggah have no mids.
Sorry, but one has to be FUCKING STUPID if you cannot hear the mids in their guitar tone.

The experienced guys don't even have to be here giving their advice, so instead of being an ungrateful dick, he could actually realize what a great resource the Sneap forum is and stop trying to feed his own ego.
No one ever got better at their shit by being an egotistical fuck, stay humble and realize there is always room for improvement and taking advice from others is how it should be.
See the pink part of Owen's sig.
See video in original post.
See complete lack of anything of any quality.

Then there's his posts on UG offering re-amping with VST's where he can aparrently better The Black Album. I then instigated a tone-off between him and Ryan (which he backed out from because he's a dick.) If you'd heard his tones this would be even more hilarious.
He then offered drum re-amping with ezdrummer, which even your average UG forum-goer found utterly hilarious.
But yeah, this is Ultimate Guitar we're talking about, whatevs.
Then he proceeded to try it here and got laughed at.

Then he posted this video and made me despise the human race. Being made to despise the human race is a pretty fucking tall order. He had this one coming

Oh I see.. had a feeling I was kinda missing some of the story.
Well don't mind me then :p
seriously though guys, the piling-on isn't very constructive... i do believe he's been duly and amply chastised. give the guy a chance to come around.

and for the record, "E#" is a correct, given the right context, enharmonic spelling for "F"... e.g., the key of C#. in that key and thus it's relative minor and all it's other modes, "F" would be properly spelled as "E#" (and indeed "C" would be properly spelled as "B#").
seriously though guys, the piling-on isn't very constructive... i do believe he's been duly and amply chastised. give the guy a chance to come around.

and for the record, E# is a correct, given the right context, a correct enharmonic spelling for F... e.g., the key of C#. in that key and thus it's relative minor and all it's other modes, "F" would be spelled as E# (and indeed "C" would be spelled as B#).

That is true music theory wise, but when it comes to guitar tunings, you don't really go by E#, I've never ever seen an extended range guitarist refer to a low F tuning as E#
seriously though guys, the piling-on isn't very constructive... i do believe he's been duly and amply chastised. give the guy a chance to come around.

This is one of those kids that needs the extra "encouragement."
Finger-quotes and extra emphasis on each syllable to boot.

But yeah, I'm done for now. I almost feel a little sorry for the kid, ALMOST.
Maybe it's just my caffeine high wearing off.