What do you think of this - session drumming?

Morgan C

Apr 23, 2008
Sydney, Australia
So, I'm wanting to build a soundproof, good sounding studio instead of just my garage but since I'm not actually getting paid to record bands yet I need some other reasons ;p

First, someone suggested teaching drums (once I fix my technique up..), which could be a good way to make money on the side.

Another was offering session drumming, to people here and I guess anyone who wants real drums instead of programming and sounding like everyone else using Slate or SD2.0.

So basically, this is the offer:

A decent sounding room, 8 mics on a kit. You get all the raw tracks, plus samples if you want. If you want a specific mic or drumhead or cymbal or something, it just costs you whatever it costs me to obtain it.

Editing can be done by me, or by you.

Pay by the hour. Say an hour of setup, tuning, mic placement, hour of recording and an hour or so of editing per song? It really depends on how complex it is, hence why I'm charging by the hour. If its a simple rock song that's gonna take a lot less time than something with fast doublebass the whole way thru.

So basically, you can choose how you want to record, tune, play. Like recording your own drums but in a good room and with a drummer who hits the things instead of just taps them (assuming we're doing metal).

Would there be some interest in this from anyone here, or do you think its a reasonable investment?
id say its a good idea dude
id definately be up for this in the future