What do you think this is worth?


Dec 18, 2009
For my studio i just raised my prices from $50 a song to $75 a song and within 2 days I've gotten messages from previous bands that have recorded with me saying that the new price is too expensive and that they can't afford that. I edit the drum and guitar tracks to grid and also reamp through a 5150/marshall cab. I told em that they'll get a discount because they've recorded with me before, but do you think the new price will turn away new clients?

Do you think that my prices match my quality?
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1950013/Holier Than Thou - Output - Master.mp3
fuck bands, they can afford anything, stupid clothes, acessiores, cigarettes, expensive cellphones, making party all night etc. but they have NEVER any cent left for studio time.
$75 a song for recording, mixing and mastering? What? Even if your work sounded like retarded penquins farting in a barrel, that would be way too little.

Not saying it does, though, the sample clip sounds decent. Ask them how much they make in a day at Burger King. I'm guessing it's more than $37.5.

Thank god there are still bands that realize they need to pay more than peanuts to get good results.
don't worry, all you're doing is filtering out the shit bands, same thing happened to me, I raised it to double the cost. Yes I get less bands but the bands I do get pay the full price and are wayyyy more rehearsed. Just be glad you don't have to track anymore drummers that don't know what a metronome is ;)

...worth mentioning that my post excludes those annoying rich kid bands who live in cities and bum epic br00talz l0l
$75 a song for recording, mixing and mastering? What? Even if your work sounded like retarded penquins farting in a barrel, that would be way too little.

Not saying it does, though, the sample clip sounds decent. Ask them how much they make in a day at Burger King. I'm guessing it's more than $37.5.

Thank god there are still bands that realize they need to pay more than peanuts to get good results.

Thanks man, I did the math and I'm making like $5 a song. Thats ridiculous and thats why I want to raise it

fuck bands, they can afford anything, stupid clothes, acessiores, cigarettes, expensive cellphones, making party all night etc. but they have NEVER any cent left for studio time.

Yeah I hate that, they're always chain smoking but when it comes to $50 thats gonna promote their band they're cheap. One time I had a band offer me trades after they recorded everything (I did get a shure 58 for $30).

don't worry, all you're doing is filtering out the shit bands, same thing happened to me, I raised it to double the cost. Yes I get less bands but the bands I do get pay the full price and are wayyyy more rehearsed. Just be glad you don't have to track anymore drummers that don't know what a metronome is ;)

Yeah thats true, but it seems like all the bands already have a legit studio they go to or have a friend that does it for free, so that kinda worries me that I'm gonna be stuck outta that loop
I just recently raised the price to 100$ a song. They can deal with it, and realize they are getting a fucking AMAZING deal, or they can bitch and go off to the new guy charging 5$ a song.
You guys should quit whoring yourselves out. :lol:

Plus fucking infinity.

In case anyone's interested, I'm battling with my business plan and profitableness estimation, and it's pretty fucking hard to convince the bank to hand me out a small business loan to support going full-time when things are like this. If I charge 150€ day, which is roughly $203 excluding VAT, I could barely make it. I absolutely fail to see how it's even remotely possible to do this at $75 a song or something.

Don't you people pay taxes or something?
I'm not a full studio. I'm running it out of my basement in my parents house, so I don't have to worry about paying rent or other costs there are to keep a business running
I do this as a side thing, I have a main job that I go to M-Fri, so I don't charge very much. The quality isn't very good either, so they're getting what the pay for :lol: