What do you think?


Pretty Vacant
Apr 21, 2004
Everett, MA ( U.S. )
Here's something Ive been working on....

"Silence Soon"

I rot within,
expelling hatred black with every breath.
To tear apart the innards of your life
Until there's nothing left.
My heart implodes with need to feed apon
Your last remains.
I bleed for death,
Of which without,
This hell I can't sustain.
With fury curdling in my grip
I beat with deft precision.
Blood clotted eyes ignite with passion as you
Crumble in submission.
Anything you say will be destroyed
For words mean nothing here.
Your screams will dissipate and silence soon
Will confiscate your fear.

Everything you've ever known has now become undone.
Forget the God you knew,
Alone I stand,
The only one.
In sickened wrath
I break away the layers of your brittle plan.
Your future is reduced to jagged fragments
In my ragged hands.
As flesh becomes condemned,
Again you gasp a plea,
But all in vain.
All agony conveyed through bruised destruction
Further fuels the pain.
As time declines in bitter waste,
Beside it,
Your demise descends
Apon decompositioning
For silence soon will cue the end...

Thank you,