what do you wait of new for the new year?

I just wanna know what it would feel like and whether it would make any difference. Ive got a few piercings but nothing too unusual. I dont think they are pointless.

there was a classmate of mine who was crazy about a guy who had his tongue pierced (some pop star) and she was practising it all the time how to avoid hurting the other by pulling it out... the piercing I mean. she even practised how to eat chewing gum if you don't want it to stick to the piercing
don't ask me about further details, I don't know how she did it all... she just kept on telling me what she 'learned' :)
new year?

new ulver album.

drugs. lots of them.

maybe cavanagh bros. release their best album.

maybe i find a junkie who would sell his old Gibson for small cash.

maybe i get laid properly.

maybe i catch isis live.

maybe i bring them to serbia to play live.

and cavanagh bros. too.

maybe i cut the crap and stop fantasize.
hmm irony? You missed out 2 band members? thats not irony its bollocks mate.

pierced tongues are good for some things from a female point of view. Spose its just another thing to waste yer money on. I think Ive got 5 piercings on me face like n me ears done.