What do you hope to accomplish this year?

I'm still a metal noob compared to the majority of people here.

Well, you can look at that two ways: in-depth knowledge, or broad/intergenre knowledge. I would guess that, like me, you're far more knowledgeable about what the world of music as a whole has to offer than most people here are.

The majority of UMF-ers seem to just fixate on a certain sound, and dig as deep into that sound as they can. I wouldn't call it "noobish" to prefer diversity over a narrow focus.

Eh... sometimes. I'm actually joking with about 95% of everything I say and some of those don't convey so well in type, so it seems like I do sometimes.
Like the sincerely apologize thing was a joke, but it didn't come out the way it did in my head. It was funny there.

My mistake, I guess. Your sarcasm cues aren't quite as obvious as those of other people.
Well, you can look at that two ways: in-depth knowledge, or broad/intergenre knowledge. I would guess that, like me, you're far more knowledgeable about what the world of music as a whole has to offer than most people here are.

I suppose. About a quarter of my collection is non-metal, so you're partially right.