things that you must do before die

So they got bombed. Thats what HAPPENS during fucking wars, especially when a paranoid facist dictator want to conquer the world. I'm not saying the allies didn't commit their share of war crimes, but the ends justify the means.

Or are you a Nazi?
I'm a German living in America, and I hate the British. The thing about Desden is, that they did not drop regular bombs, they dropped fire bombs, which essentially immolated almost everyone in the whole city. It was mostly women and children that got burned to death, since all the men were at war. All I am saying, is that Chruchill was no saint, and no hero. The goddamn UK (as well as the US of course) has blood on its hands as well, not just Germany. Fuck the British, I hate them. One of the reasons I reacted that way, is my parents were talking about this yesterday (their families even knew people that perished in the fires of Dresden).
Well fuck you then. I like the Germans, even though they destroyed much of England, and Italy, and yes my family lost many members during the war but that doesnt mean im gunna have some stupid 60 years late hatred for them.

Im sure the Russians were very happy for the siege of Leningrad, the battle for Moscow and Stalingrad and the killing of about 20 million of their people.
Move away from Tennessee and not live with my parents anymore
Play live for a band and be somewhat successful
Learn to play technical death metal and play shred solos and sweeps with ease
Go to a live metal concert
Go see the Dallas Cowboys play
Get an exotic looking girlfriend(Asians and/or Indians :p)

I'm sure there's more but thats what I can think of now. :)
I'm a German living in America, and I hate the British. The thing about Desden is, that they did not drop regular bombs, they dropped fire bombs, which essentially immolated almost everyone in the whole city. It was mostly women and children that got burned to death, since all the men were at war. All I am saying, is that Chruchill was no saint, and no hero. The goddamn UK (as well as the US of course) has blood on its hands as well, not just Germany. Fuck the British, I hate them. One of the reasons I reacted that way, is my parents were talking about this yesterday (their families even knew people that perished in the fires of Dresden).

Are you not aware that London was also bombed during WW2? It was bombed continuously for two hours by 348 bombers. Then a couple of hours later, it was bombed again, continuously, for eight hours, and then the bombing was continued off and on for 57 days. And in case you didn't know, more civilians died in that than in Dresden.

Your hate for an entire country because of what only a few people did during a confined period of time is completely fucking ridiculous. I hate Hitler, I hate Nazis, but do I hate all of Germany (as it was during the '40s as well as it is now)? No. You know why? Because it's irrational, illogical, and just retarded.
I'm a German living in America, and I hate the British. The thing about Desden is, that they did not drop regular bombs, they dropped fire bombs, which essentially immolated almost everyone in the whole city. It was mostly women and children that got burned to death, since all the men were at war. All I am saying, is that Chruchill was no saint, and no hero. The goddamn UK (as well as the US of course) has blood on its hands as well, not just Germany. Fuck the British, I hate them. One of the reasons I reacted that way, is my parents were talking about this yesterday (their families even knew people that perished in the fires of Dresden).

I remember alot of Jews getting burned to death to...

Atleast Churchill had the balls to take on Hitler. Are you aware of the concept of "the ends justify the means", or would you rather be driving to work under the swatztika?
True. At first it would be visiting and looking at all the nice scenery and than when having to return to the US would not be able to and try and live there. I'm going to try and save atleast 5 grand when getting this new job.
My great-grandmother of kind of did that. She came here from Poland around 1900 to scope out the place, liked it, then went back to Poland, grabbed the family, and moved here permanently.
I'm a German living in America, and I hate the British. The thing about Desden is, that they did not drop regular bombs, they dropped fire bombs, which essentially immolated almost everyone in the whole city. It was mostly women and children that got burned to death, since all the men were at war. All I am saying, is that Chruchill was no saint, and no hero. The goddamn UK (as well as the US of course) has blood on its hands as well, not just Germany. Fuck the British, I hate them. One of the reasons I reacted that way, is my parents were talking about this yesterday (their families even knew people that perished in the fires of Dresden).

You have succeeded in sounding like a tool. Saying that he was no better than Hitler is quite the exaggeration. Yes, Churchill did do some questionable things, but the strategic bombing of one city compared to the Nazi regime attempting to conquer every major country in Europe while simultaneously slaughtering millions of undesirables is hardly the same thing. You'd have to be pretty ignorant to maintain that as true. You're also an idiot for saying you dislike an entire nation of people over something that was done 60 years ago (and even that decision was done for the preservation of Britain's sovereignty, not in an attempt to conquer Germany or exterminate its people). That would be like me hating all Turkish people for enslaving the Greeks for a thousand years up until the 1800s, the totality of which is quite a lot worse than the bombing of Dresden. But I'm not a fucking moron and thus don't harbor any hatred for modern Turkey or any of its descendants.
-Travel, obviously.
-Earn enough money from Improv to make a living.
-Perform before a big crowd (as in more than 120).
-Work on a TV show and / or movie (in a creative way).
-Act in at least on Shakespeare play.
-Fight a moose (this will probably be the last thing I do).
You have succeeded in sounding like a tool. Saying that he was no better than Hitler is quite the exaggeration. Yes, Churchill did do some questionable things, but the strategic bombing of one city compared to the Nazi regime attempting to conquer every major country in Europe while simultaneously slaughtering millions of undesirables is hardly the same thing. You'd have to be pretty ignorant to maintain that as true. You're also an idiot for saying you dislike an entire nation of people over something that was done 60 years ago (and even that decision was done for the preservation of Britain's sovereignty, not in an attempt to conquer Germany or exterminate its people). That would be like me hating all Turkish people for enslaving the Greeks for a thousand years up until the 1800s, the totality of which is quite a lot worse than the bombing of Dresden. But I'm not a fucking moron and thus don't harbor any hatred for modern Turkey or any of its descendants.
I didn't mean it literally, though I do disagree with even the modern foreign policy of Britain (and the US for that matter, but I can't really hate my own country, but I will say I hate Bush). I was very angry when I wrote that. I don't really hate the British as a whole, but yes, I do hate Churchill, and find him to not have been a hero. And I find the great reverence with which he is looked upon in the US and UK to be absurd. I have British friends and have dated a couple British women. If I would really hate all the British as a whole, I would be like the many Jews that hate the Germans. They do exist. Some Jewish guy tried to beat me up before when he found out I was German. Talk about extreme. So yeah, I know if I'd truly hate the British, I'd be no better than people like that, or the black people that want to kill all white people.
Have sex with a man
Have sex with my mum
Have sex with my cousins
Have sex with my Nan (Before she dies)

i just wanna have sex


my only goal is to touch all 7 continents. antarctica is next on the travel list, which will give me south america too