do you show off being metal?


Active Member
Jun 4, 2008
do you do things like...
- play metal really loud and piss off your family/neighbors
- wear metal shirts to the grocery/laundry
- whip your waist-length metal hair around the office and poke your coworkers in the eye
- try to make your non-metal friends like your music even if theyve told you repeatedly that they absolutely hate it
- use death metal vocals in normal conversation
- other "hey im a badass metalhead" stuff?

well as for me, i play metal really loud until my mom or sis tell me to "turn that shit off" then i lower it a bit. i dont have a single band shirt and i think im really fuckin lame cuz of that. my hair isnt very metal, it's medium length and covers my eyes and i just let it sit there messy-like. most of my friends like r&b, techno, hip-hop and other gay shit and they all groan when i try to play metal. i sometimes randomly use death metal vocals (not very good ones lol) in normal conversation "WHERE'S THE CHEEEEESE?!?!" how about you?
I play metal loud to drown out the shitty pop music of the guy with the room next to mine. That's pretty much it.
I have long hair and wear band shirts, but otherwise I act like a civilized human being.

Oh I do have my Metal radio show on campus here. That helps.
Play metal loud all the fucking time and my fucking neighbors have asked me repeatedly to lower it. But I can't.

Wear metal shirts most of the time.

Don't have long hair anymore.
I do frequently tell the guy in the room next to mine that the music he listens to sucks.
I don't play Metal in my room beyond headphones. If I do blast any music then it's Classical music because my roommate likes it too.

Sometimes when the people next door are playing loud dance music with a thumping bass, I'll take out my bass guitar and mock them. It usually makes them turn it down.
I wear band shirts alot. Realised it's got to an accepted point where someone said "Holy shit joes wearing a shirt" when I had to wear a normal shirt because i was outta band shirts.
Growing my hair out.
That's about it tbh :p
And of course, I make sure to be an obnoxious arsehole to anyone who doesn't share my tastes. It's part of the job description :p
do you do things like...
- play metal really loud and piss off your family/neighbors
- wear metal shirts to the grocery/laundry
- whip your waist-length metal hair around the office and poke your coworkers in the eye
- try to make your non-metal friends like your music even if theyve told you repeatedly that they absolutely hate it
- use death metal vocals in normal conversation
- other "hey im a badass metalhead" stuff?

well as for me, i play metal really loud until my mom or sis tell me to "turn that shit off" then i lower it a bit. i dont have a single band shirt and i think im really fuckin lame cuz of that. my hair isnt very metal, it's medium length and covers my eyes and i just let it sit there messy-like. most of my friends like r&b, techno, hip-hop and other gay shit and they all groan when i try to play metal. i sometimes randomly use death metal vocals (not very good ones lol) in normal conversation "WHERE'S THE CHEEEEESE?!?!" how about you?

i wear metal like a badge of honor. i wear my shirts everywhere, play my music everywhere, and yes, i growl in conversations to a certain blonde beauty.

i'm the butt of alot of jokes for it at work, but you gotta own it, ya know?
I don't do this because I'm not 18 years old anymore and trying to impress people.

I do not have any local metal friends and I've never tried to force them to listen to my music. They know what I like and respect this. I hardly ever wear band shirts and as far as playing my music loud goes...yes, I do but that's just because metal is supposed to be played loud. :)
I look at people who try to show off their "metalness" and all that bullshit the same way I look at wanabe goth kids, the gansta kids, and those skater/metalcore crowd. It's all a bunch of bullshit just for show and attention whoring so who cares? If you want to wear band t's then do it, expressing your individualism with that whole "hey fuck you I'm metal" mentality is lame and just as bad as the stuff I mentioned earlier.

I look at people who try to show off their "metalness" and all that bullshit the same way I look at wanabe goth kids, the gansta kids, and those skater/metalcore crowd. It's all a bunch of bullshit just for show and attention whoring so who cares? If you want to wear band t's then do it, expressing your individualism with that whole "hey fuck you I'm metal" mentality is lame and just as bad as the stuff I mentioned earlier.


Well that's my thoughts too - :)
tbh I dont anymore. I used to. I did that whole "yeah im metal as fuck, I listen to extreme shit" thing. I cut my hair off now, broadened my musical tastes, and yeah. But I still wear my metal shirts everywhere, along with a longneck sweater and some nice pants :p
I look at people who try to show off their "metalness" and all that bullshit the same way I look at wanabe goth kids, the gansta kids, and those skater/metalcore crowd. It's all a bunch of bullshit just for show and attention whoring so who cares? If you want to wear band t's then do it, expressing your individualism with that whole "hey fuck you I'm metal" mentality is lame and just as bad as the stuff I mentioned earlier.


I don't really notice any true metalheads around campus here. There are goths and then nu-metallers strolling about, but I seem to be one of a kind, at least extrinsically.

tbh I dont anymore. I used to. I did that whole "yeah im metal as fuck, I listen to extreme shit" thing. I cut my hair off now, broadened my musical tastes, and yeah. But I still wear my metal shirts everywhere, along with a longneck sweater and some nice pants :p

and go to parties and listen to Interpol.