What do you do when you're in a bad mood?


problem solver
Dec 4, 2003
I play black metal really loud and bang my head, then eat some macaroni with some of my hairs in it, then get mad and blame the cat. How about you?
I bang on something with tight fists, get up from my chair, walk up and down the room, go to the toilet to take a pee and check a new thread just opened about bad mood.
I crank music. Really loud. REALLY REALLY loud. And it bugs the neighbors.
@Maqus: i wanted to reply "what stimulus" but i managed to control myself
give stick to anyone who gets in my way, play music very loud indeed and have a spliff (if the moment occurs after noon), that fixes it all ;)
I don't post at UM (avoids unnecessary complications), take a walk (to make me tired of being in a bad mood or think about things), listen to music or write stuff for myself to get things out of my head. When it has to do with girls, I temporarily become Sir Drinkalot.

In a severely bad mood, I also avoid friends 'cause my raging nastiness wouldn't do them justice.