do you show off being metal?

I still wear band shirts most the time and blast the music in my car just because I enjoy it. I guess when I was younger I used how off by wearing my patch west and army boots all the time ,even in the summer :zombie:
I hate music too loud except at band practice and concerts.
I only have a few band shirts. Most of my shirts are just plain black or white.
I wear tennis shoes and slightly baggy jeans exclusively.
I don't bother pushing metal on the non-metal. If they're interested I'll show them some stuff. It's up to them not me. But I'd rather someone be non-metal than pretend they're metal just to talk to me. "Hey, I like Lamb of God and Slipknot! We should hang out!". Gay.
I shave my head. I'm 6 ft and 200 lbs. I would look awful with long hair.
I guess for the most part I don't dress "metal." I don't really wear my band t-shirts anymore, and seldom wear my leather pants so I don't technically look "metal" but I'm sure lots of people draw the conclusion that I probably listen to metal or non-mainstream stuff.

I typically dress somewhere between casual/dressy but not over-the-top because I don't like attracting attention. I wear mainly black, save a couple really nice shirts that are dark red. I've got Demonia boots, but I plan on buying an even nicer pair. As for accesories like collars, spikes etc - it depends on the occasion.

I don't consider myself to be vain but I like to look nice when I go out so my appearance matters to me. I don't care so much about what others think though. I'm certainly not the simple t-shirt-and-jeans type of person.
Not generally. I have long hair though, and if anyone were to ask about my taste in music, I wouldn't mind dropping off a long list of obscure black and progressive metal acts along with some jazz and electronica. I don't really care if people know that I am a metalhead or not, as long as they don't associate me with nu metal/metalcore fans I'm content (if they did, I'd have to correct them)
I have a Celtic Frost shirt, an Emperor shirt, and a Burzum shirt, but I don't really wear them that much. My hair isn't too long but I'm growing it. I don't really appear or act that metal, to be honest.

But anyone who knows me knows I am :kickass:
I do the death metal thing a lot :P It's a thing between me and my mates who are into it though...
I wear metal T-shirts everywhere, Ihave long hair and I'm 6'2 and wear combats, so it's pretty apparent lol. But I don't particularly try to show it off. Just flag up with a fuck off spiky wristband every now and then lol.
- play metal really loud and piss off your family/neighbors

No. I play it loud enough to enjoy it.
- wear metal shirts to the grocery/laundry

I wear metal shirts, like... out and shit. For one of my improv troupes, we were "themed" t-shirts for shows and whenever we decide to wear band shirts, I go with one of my Candlemass shirts.

I do not wear jeans, rather I wear brown or khaki pants. I can usually be seen in a hoodie- a pale green zip-up nine times out of ten. Other than band shirts I tend to dress (for lack of a better term) "conservatively". Very few bright colors, nothing too loud or busy. I like to think that, generally, my clothes do not make much of a statement.

- whip your waist-length metal hair around the office and poke your coworkers in the eye

Shaved head. Sometimes I doom dance at work. (this)

- try to make your non-metal friends like your music even if theyve told you repeatedly that they absolutely hate it

- use death metal vocals in normal conversation

- other "hey im a badass metalhead" stuff?

I don't care for the term metalhead, and outside of habitually throwing the horns, not really.
Usually especially if it's somewhere I don't drive much, I try to make sure it's something really far removed from anything that would fit far into the known cliches, like having "a lot of screaming and noise", or "sounding 80's". Something beyond obnoxious like Rhapsody or Spiral Architect which will confuse everyone.