Do you suffer from any mental conditions?

One in four people in the UK have a 'mental illness'.
I think most people find something glamourous in being mentally ill.
With intelligence as high as humans', it's no wonder that synapses sometimes don't work 100%.
Chemical imbalances.
But seriously, if you'r mentally ill, chill out because you'll never get out of life alive. At the end of the day there's no point in popping over that piece of fluff.
Ironic for me to say so patronizingly when I have hypomania. :(
Apparently I've got a really shit temper that makes me go insane and get really violent and verbally abusive, often saying things that'll hurt people emotionally. Fortunately, I have enough sense to not take it out on anyone, so my the walls tend to suffer for it. I won't have any memory about the escapade after I calm down, only until someone tells me about it. God knows what it is, I just call it having a shitty temper. Thankfully it doesn't happen alot.

I also used to highlight text on the internet as I was reading, it seems to have stopped lately.

And also when I discover something new, my mind starts wondering about all the little bits and pieces that go into its production and mathematical equations start happening in my head. I tend to space out alot.
Not sure if it's the place for this, but what the hell. Just another confession booth.

I don't suffer from any mental conditions(or at least haven't been diagnosed with any) but I have been born with a very light form of Cerebral Paralysis. It's noticeable in my walk(slightly limping, my right leg slightly lagging behind) and lack of coordination between the right and left portions of the body(upper and lower limbs).

I've also been recently diagnosed with severe AntiThrombin III deficiency. AT III us a protein whose lack can cause spontaneous thrombosis in the veins. I already had one big blood clot in my left thigh, which dissolved partially since I'm on medication now.(it basically liquifies blood, preventing blood clots)

Things are not totally as bad as they may seem. Even though I'll have to take pills for the rest of my life,I was told the treatment won't have negative side effects, as long as I don't overdo the dosage.

The only burden that comes with this condition is the need to make routine blood tests(every two weeks) to make sure my blood isn't overly liquified or else I'll bleed easily.
I have ADHD, i have tinnitus and i also have physical tourettes and obsessive compulsive disorder.
I've had major depression since about the point in childhood where one can recognize such things. I also have really bad anxiety/social anxiety disorder (I have panic attacks but can't get prescribed any kind of benzo for it), and I am a recovering drug addict/alcoholic that's soooo fucking close to a relapse. I also have ADHD but don't take any medication for it since they all contain an amphetamine salt or other stimulant which is addictive (or so they tell me).
Wow, I can really relate to some people here. I guess I'm not alone. Anyways, I felt I'd bump this thread instead of creating a new one to mention something that occurred to me lately.

I think that mental conditions/complexes are often as much a result of circumstances as they are of a chemical imbalance. I have anxiety, paranoia, and depression. The root cause may be biological, but things that have happened to me, and how I have been treated, have also contributed greatly. I have been treated like shit in my professional life (getting lied about and fired, etc.), been treated like shit by women, and been stabbed in the back and fucked over by friends. I think people are evil, and think anyone would love to tear me down to build themselves up. It's part of human nature. Living in a hostile world contributes greatly to my anxiety, because I feel I always have to be on guard. It has also made me oversensitive. Recently I went off on my roommate and threatened to kick his ass just because he made a joke implying I was uncoordinated when we were playing beer pong. He said I take things way too personally, and I think he may be right. But being treated like shit all my life is partially what has made me this way. Being treated like shit is also a big factor in my depression, and logically my paranoia and misanthropy as well.


someone else who gets it!
On a bad day I'm a depressed, paranoid hypochondriac with anxiety. On a good day not so much, though to be honest sometimes just waking up is playing Russian Roulette with my mood.

Anyone here familiar with the term "Visual Snow"?