Do you suffer from any mental conditions?

I like that idea. I think I'll try it out - maybe it'll get me thinking about exercise again and motivate me to continue with jogging. I've been a fuckin' slug lately.
I'm clinically depressed. I've been hospitalized a few times for it. Not for suicide, but just not giving a fuck. Not eating, not caring, not going to work. Like depression/borderline apathy. I had to take meds for quite sometime. I've been working on getting better for years. I'm much better now with my son and a stable life and all. But sometimes I just swing into apathetic stages. It's really unhealthy and unsafe.
Good thread idea.

I have acute xenophobia and testicular homophobia

In all seriousness, technically, I've never been clinically diagnosed with anything, but I've seen a psychologist/therapist for OCD and depression, and I've seen multiple counselors, including the aforementioned psychologist, regarding a 3-year emotionally and physically abusive relationship I was in, both during and after the time it took place. (Most of my counselor/psychologist visits were about this relationship, as opposed to OCD). I've had OCD tendencies since I was a child, but those characteristics, along with anxiety, mistrust, and paranoia, heightened both during and after said relationship.

Regarding my OCD: Presently my OCD consists of feeling the need to record most of my thoughts either on paper, or on the computer, washing my hands a lot (I hate it when people don't wash their hands after going to the bathroom), including if I even just enter a bathroom. Sometimes I literally feel I can't do anything else until I completely write down all my thoughts that I arbitrarily felt the need to record, or write down some series of events of what just happened--and I get very anxious and upset if I forget something I wanted to write.

When I was a kid, my OCD tendencies consisted of having to "unwind" things. For example, if I spun clockwise 3 times, I would need to spin counter-clockwise 3 times to "undo" it. Likewise, if I started in the kitchen in my house, and walked 75% of the way around my house on that floor and decided to go back to the kitchen, instead of walking the 25% more to get back to the kitchen, I would have to walk back the 75% path to "undo" the path I already walked. I didn't want to create a circle around the house, I had to "unwind" it and go back the way I came, even if it was a longer path.
I get a little bit like that about stuff. Laziness has over taken it but once upon a time I would go and check every lock and fire/oven etc three times before going to sleep.
I don't have any number systems like that. I sort of just keep checking until my mind goes "srsly, wtf," which can be anywhere from twice to 15 times
well yeah. and I get like that about the door.

I can get halfway down the street and walk back to check the bloody door.

There isn't really a set number of times for checking things I was just giving some kind of average.
Aspergers but I've gotten better from it, it's like I don't have it anymore from what I've heard. I had it alot a few years ago though.
When I was a kid, my OCD tendencies consisted of having to "unwind" things. For example, if I spun clockwise 3 times, I would need to spin counter-clockwise 3 times to "undo" it. Likewise, if I started in the kitchen in my house, and walked 75% of the way around my house on that floor and decided to go back to the kitchen, instead of walking the 25% more to get back to the kitchen, I would have to walk back the 75% path to "undo" the path I already walked. I didn't want to create a circle around the house, I had to "unwind" it and go back the way I came, even if it was a longer path.

yeah i have tons of stuff like this but more minor, finger movements for example, i do a pattern forwards and then retrace it backwards, its sort of gay but sort of cool 'cause i've gotten really fast at it through habit.

i'm also one of those people who counts (or taps in rhythm to, etc) lampposts or lines on every car journey. i also do stuff like counting to 5 and seeing if cars pass mine at exactly the 5th beat.

anyone else have that thing where you have to put the mouse cursor in the exact centre of the screen, or the glass down on the centre of the mat, or find the halfway point in a line of text, etcetc?
anyone else have that thing where you have to put the mouse cursor in the exact centre of the screen, or the glass down on the centre of the mat, or find the halfway point in a line of text, etcetc?

Yeah, actually. Not for the center of the whole screen, but I often try to line the cursor up in the middle of some entity on the screen, like the scroll bar or the inside of a closed letter such as "o".
I think one former friend is a remorse for any pain she causes upon people...

This is the sole type of woman I seem to attract. Not overly cruel about it, just totally apathetic and clueless to a chilling extent when they do something horrible to someone really close. But they get really broken up if they've offended a stranger or casual friend.
This is the sole type of woman I seem to attract. Not overly cruel about it, just totally apathetic and clueless to a chilling extent when they do something horrible to someone really close. But they get really broken up if they've offended a stranger or casual friend.

These people are concerned about their reputation and looking "nice" in front of others, so that's why they care more about strangers/casual friends. Some of the nicest people in public are some of the meanest to close people.

I also used to attract these people, b/c my mom was like this...I gravitated towards people like the woman who raised me.