Do you suffer from any mental conditions?

Okay, I understood you backward and thought that colors evoked letters and numbers rather than the other way around. I was just thinking that would be a handy tool for someone like a painter if they could match exact colors by their associated numbers. I'm sure there must be some way to make use of the inverse/your associations too.
Okay, I understood you backward and thought that colors evoked letters and numbers rather than the other way around. I was just thinking that would be a handy tool for someone like a painter if they could match exact colors by their associated numbers. I'm sure there must be some way to make use of the inverse/your associations too.

Well, for some, they use it as a way to memorize things like numbers. Unfortunately for me, I view them as shades of darkness, so it's a bit harder.

I have Synesthesia. I see numbers and letters through shades of light and darkness.

Interesting. I didn't know this had a name. I've never really put much thought into it. I have the same thing. With certain words, and all letters/numbers. Days of the week are the only words that especially have colors and such. Otherwise it's just numbers and letters. I'm so used to it I never thought that it was a mental disorder. Cool to know.
Body Dysmorphic Disorder, which is very similar to OCD. I was misdiagnosed with OCD, but I'm sure you know I feel when I also worry about little things and the obsessive worrying interferes with every aspect of my life.

Then, there's depression/anxiety, but I think that comes along with the BDD.
I do as well. As well as shapes and textures. Very rarely I see pictures too.

Sometimes when I listen to music my brain gets meaning from a riff or whatever like it would from a word. It's fucking weird.
I have various associations too, colours or images with music, tones, notes, and countless other things, as well as with just normal words in the English language..usually the names of different things, people, roads..etc. Some names and things leave no impression at all but this strange feeling similar to an empty stomach and I don't bother with those.

I have a post in another thread I wasn't sure would work here or not, so I'll just link it rather than pasting. It is related, just wasn't sure about double-posting.
i toss my old broken phone up and down whenever i'm at my pc, and it's almost broken in half now, and i seriously don't know wtf i'll do when it does break in half. it won't be the same when it's a different shape and i think that'll annoy the hell out of me for a while. i might try and glue it back together.
There's a lot of people on here claiming depression as a serious condition, yet I doubt, as Krig has hinted, that many people here have actually been diagnosed.

I've had a girlfriend who was clinically depressed, and it's a very serious thing. It's not a phase, it truly dictates actions and day to day life for a person. Every decision is weighted with negativity, and pessimism exists akin to watercolour.

I think to one extent, Krig is right. I for example was VERY physically active up to 25. I did have some serious emotional stuff going on due to an abusive childhood, but having sport there helped. A LOT.

Recently, after making massive changes to my life this year, I've become the most physically active again and am addicted to a sport again. I feel fucking incredible. Even when I'm tired I feel strong, and always somewhat positive.

Some of you here really need to get off the computer and get strong. It's really fucking important for your minds. Get to it!
There's a lot of people on here claiming depression as a serious condition, yet I doubt, as Krig has hinted, that many people here have actually been diagnosed.

I've had a girlfriend who was clinically depressed, and it's a very serious thing. It's not a phase, it truly dictates actions and day to day life for a person. Every decision is weighted with negativity, and pessimism exists akin to watercolour.

I think to one extent, Krig is right. I for example was VERY physically active up to 25. I did have some serious emotional stuff going on due to an abusive childhood, but having sport there helped. A LOT.

Recently, after making massive changes to my life this year, I've become the most physically active again and am addicted to a sport again. I feel fucking incredible. Even when I'm tired I feel strong, and always somewhat positive.

Some of you here really need to get off the computer and get strong. It's really fucking important for your minds. Get to it!

It's not going to happen overnight..It takes time for some, but once you get there..You will look back and feel great. ;)

I used to be house-bound, missed class frequently and often couldn't show up everyday to work a few years ago. Now, I can do all of this with hard work, therapy, support, working on unresolved issues, etc.

I hear you about the abusive childhood, because that can come haunt you when you least expect it. As kids, we deny and block out things, but it creeps up on us as adults. How abuse impacts the mind is another topic altogether.
There's a lot of people on here claiming depression as a serious condition, yet I doubt, as Krig has hinted, that many people here have actually been diagnosed.

I've had a girlfriend who was clinically depressed, and it's a very serious thing. It's not a phase, it truly dictates actions and day to day life for a person. Every decision is weighted with negativity, and pessimism exists akin to watercolour.

I think to one extent, Krig is right. I for example was VERY physically active up to 25. I did have some serious emotional stuff going on due to an abusive childhood, but having sport there helped. A LOT.

Recently, after making massive changes to my life this year, I've become the most physically active again and am addicted to a sport again. I feel fucking incredible. Even when I'm tired I feel strong, and always somewhat positive.

Some of you here really need to get off the computer and get strong. It's really fucking important for your minds. Get to it!

But I deeply hate sport!

also, I'm absolutely shit at it. I'm not particularly depressed I just want to get stronger but urgh. Getting self disciplined is something I need to do and erm. Ugh