Do you suffer from any mental conditions?

Life Sucks

and then you die
Dec 30, 2002
Die bitch die!!!!!
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If you're willing to, humbly put aside your pride and share your experiences. I personally suffer from obsessive compulsive disorder, insomnia, anxiety, and depression. On the outside, I seem like a normal guy; I have lots of friends, I date all the time, I like to go out, etc. But beneath the surface, I don't think I know of anyone as weird as I am.

Due to my obsessive compulsive disorder, I tend to worry about little things and blow them out of proportion, I get a bad foreboding feeling when I don't do certain things exactly the same way every time, and I tend sometimes tend to repeat things I feel strongly about (I'm sure some of you have noticed this). I also have some very weird hangups that I will not get into on here.

I have pretty bad anxiety, so I am always stressing out and worrying about things most people wouldn't. I hate being in large crowds; they make me feel very uneasy. I generally view strangers as hostile, and feel people in general bear ill will towards me (and others, for that matter). My anxiety is also so bad that I wouldn't be able to sleep normally without medication. Similarly, I suffer from depression. I tend to take the positive things for granted, and dwell on the negative, and blow it out of proportion. I never truly feel happy or content.

Anyone else have similar problems? Feel free to flame me, I don't care. But if you do, it speaks volumes about your character (ie you'd be a scumbag for doing so).
I suffer from very bad Depression.

I finally after many years have it under control thanks to many different doctors and countless combinations of meds.

I lost several jobs and a relationship due to this condition. I was in very bad shape for many years. Bed ridden. Constantly self medicating with anything and everything I could get my hands on.

Although I do joke now and then about drugs and alcohol I am clean and sober for 3 years. This played a very big part in my taking control of my condition. My awesome wife and family also played a big part.

I am in no way ashamed of my troubles and I challenge anyone to ridicule people with problems such as these.
I have some similar conditions as you. I never really feel truly happy, but rather just content or depressed about things that have been going on. I use to have a problem in school in certain classes about having a nervous breakdown. Basically any class that was strict lecture with no discussion on the students part. I didn't take anything, I just felt like I was gonna freak out or scream and had to doodle on my paper to stop thinking about it. I generally have a negative view on strangers and make judgments about them rather then getting to know them.

I also tend to be a neat freak. I get stressed out when things around me aren't clean or organized. For example, I feel really stressed if my room isn't clean and it's all I can think about. I'm also kind of controlling. I want to be in charge or responsible for activities/games etc.

I don't know if any of these are "mental conditions" but this is how I feel for the most part.
Depression, general anxiety and paranoia, etc. You know, the regular stuff. And then there's the panic disorder. From time to time, I just randomly experience an intense fear of death... and panic. I start feeling dizzy, running back and forth, hyperventilating, and sometimes I scream. Seems to happen anywhere, anytime. It's been like this for years.
mild ocd and possibly some kind of sociopathy, although i've been officially tested for neither. i distrust the rigid categorising of mental 'conditions'
I've had some serious tic problems. One has been concerning blinking my eyelids, i could get completely caught up in how many times i should blink, not a real number of times but just "now i have to blink fast several times for ten seconds", it's insane how much i thought about this for a couple of years.
I'm also greatly hypocondric, i've thought that i was about to die countless times.
depression and anxiety runs in my mothers side of the family. ive never been diagnosed with anything though. actually, i have no interest in knowing.

i do blindly hate most people though. maybe thats a disease.
What's the reason for that though? I'm the same, most people i see i just want to punch in the face for some reason, it's like i want to find flaws in everyone and focus on that.
I was depressed for all of middle school and the first half of high school. I had very few friends and my ADHD was a major factor in my lack of social acceptance. Coincidentally it was when I started listening to Metal that the depression began to wear off and I found more friends who shared such interests. But even then I considered myself a miserable, solitary, out-of-the-loop kind of person. My inconformity, compounded by my OCD-micromanagement of life, made me unwilling to dive into the uncertainty of social interaction.

But it was very recently I realized that going around to parties and meeting people, and wasting myself in hedonism was not necessary. I only thought that partying and such was just the means to meet people, establish relationships, get laid etc. etc.

I think I finally found the exit to my misery and solitude. I finally met someone whose biggest passions are academic, someone who completes me.
Toss me on the depression/anxiety bandwagon. My mothers side of the family has a history or this. I had some real issues when I was young. I do not remember exactly what it was all about though. I remember from about 3rd grade on I would get terrible gut wrenching stomach aches every morning before school. They would be so strong I couldn't stand straight, and I would often puke. I had to go to a councilor type guy for a while, and they actually put me on Prozac. In elementary school. My parents took me off it though.

Depression has always been a major factor in my life. Sometimes it gets really bad and I am not sure how i will continue to deal with it. Thinking that it may last my whole life only makes the feeling worse. I also get anxiety quite often. It is weird though, sometimes certain situations do not bother me at all and sometimes they suck and make me feel really uncomfortable. I also tend to be very anti-social. I should probably see someone about these issues but, the issues themselves prevent me from doing so.
Always been 'depressed' I guess. I takes medicines now for quite a while. Main problem is that I get very jealous for no rational reason and feel a need to be completely in control of everyone all the time. Weeeeee.

I suffer from very bad Depression.

I lost several jobs and a relationship due to this condition.

I've had problems with jobs also and have destroyed relationship and all my jobs have spent all my money on alcohol and drugs. I would pop pills at work or even a mall and regardless where I was popping large ammounts of pills for about 5,6 years up until probably 8 months ago.
Used to have depression when I was back in middle school, but other than that epoch of my life i've never had mental conditions. I can't even grasp how hard it would be for someone to go through life with severe mental conditions.
I had ADD and I have a bit of undiagnosed OCD, but who doesn't have a bit of OCD?

Other than that, my grandpappy was an alcoholic, but he couldn't do much after WWII because of his injury
I have no mental issues. I procrastinate when the time comes to do school work and i find no good in most people, but who doesn't? HA.