Do you suffer from any mental conditions?

Fun thread.

I have some social anxiety issues, which used to be a lot more severe. Alcohol helps quite a bit, but I am still very much an introvert. I suppose I have general anxiety/paranoia issues as well. I've had a few phases were I was pretty depressed and sought some help, but the mental health system is so overbooked that nothing came out of it. Except one time in freshman year of college I saw one of the psych grad students that were there for free. Didn't really get anything out of that.

I can't remember the last day I did not have a drink. I'm guessing it would be anywhere from 30-50 days ago. I don't get drunk every single day, but I like at least a little something before bed. It really helps me from getting bogged down in thinking about problems when I'm trying to go to bed. My life is totally directionless right now.
I started feeling Misanthropic for a few years. I hate going out especially by myself those populated places. I hate seeing, meeting new people, that's why i have few friends, whom i only see them at school. That's the reason i never go out and hang out with friends, i stay at home, watch tv, surf the net.

Misanthropy is more of an elitist frame of mind and deals more with not liking and , more so, not trusting people at all. It is not limited to staying inside all day long. You could be the most popular kid in school and be misanthropic.
Usually people that rely heavily on alcohol are trying to escape from issues they have when they are clean and sound.

yeah nm i didnt make my original post clear - when i said 'i think that might be linked to some disorder or other' i meant my indifference towards it, not other people's reliance on it. the latter is indicative of problems for sure.
also yeah i do stuff like that blink thing all the time, i'll often count things that happen in cycles and not be satisfied until the cycle ends on a multiple of ten, things like that. also gone through phases of cutting my nails several times a day, or even more bizarre things like every time i came home i washed my feet haha. it's not like i feel really anxious and upset when i don't do these things, it's just this slight irritation and it plays on my mind, and ultimately satisfying that irritation is so easy that it's not a problem worth conquering. these things seem to come and go on their own, it's strange.

other stuff... whenever i'm at my pc i'm constantly throwing my phone in the air and catching it, it annoys the shit out of whoever i happen to be living with esp. when i drop it in the middle of the night and wake people up.
I'm actually with Krig on this. Playing sports in high school really helped me gain self esteem, physically and psychologically. It was definitely a factor that drew me out of my depression.
Like V5 and Krig, I really don't have any mental issues.

I can be a bit of a loner. I like doing things with my family, but otherwise prefer doing some things by myself (movies, concerts). I think I tend to be a bit weird, but it's not something that I am not in control of.
The only thing I've been diagnosed with was ADHD. I took medication for a while that didn't really do anything, but eventually I just quit it and I'm normal now in that regard, so I imagine the diagnosis must have been overblown or maybe I'm just special.

As far as non-diagnosed stuff...
I was a severe introvert for a very long time. Still am, really. I have friends and like to hang out with them but I prefer being alone with my thoughts to conversing with people I don't know. As a result, I have a small circle of extremely close friends and then a large circle of people I know and can talk with but don't know too well. And then everyone else is just a complete stranger.

I also have what might be anxiety but what I think of as a feeling of impending doom. Whenever something out of the ordinary is going to happen (i.e. I'm going to a concert or making plans or whatever) I always have an incredibly strong feeling that something will go completely wrong. Looking back about as much goes right as goes wrong, but it feels like nothing ever works out.

As for depression, I don't think I have severe/clinical depression, but I definitely have bouts of feeling really shitty, like I'm a total failure and I'm wasting my life.

I don't think I have OCD, but whenever I do something with one hand or foot I have to do it with the other - i.e. tapping fingers or something. I can resist, but the moment I stop thinking about not tapping my finger, it'll tap, 9 times out of 10. It's gotten better in the last couple years and has never been a problem.

Some people say I'm an asshole. That might be another one.