Do you suffer from any mental conditions?

So heres where the assinine statements start to flow.

Depression is not a sickness that has anything to do with "getting over something bad that happenes in your life"

Depression is caused by chemical abnormalities in one brain. Bad things happening in ones life can be what triggers depression.

Being sad your dog dies or your best friend moved away is not depression. Depression is when you can't and don't want to get out of bed regardless of whether or not you'll lose your job. Depression is not wanting to do the things or activities in life that have always caused you pleasure. Depression is self medicating with drugs and alchohol to escape the misery you are suffering through.
i know all of this, i wasn't talking about the people that are actually depressed. i'm talking about all the drama whores out there that exaggerate all of their problems just to get attention. and i know that you know people like that, everybody does
As a 16 year old kid, you HAVE NO CLUE what depression actually is. And to ridicule or make silly statements such as "get over it" just shows how uninformed and ignorant you are to the subject.

you don't know me, nor do you know what i've been through. also, when i wrote up that last paragraph, i was going to add a disclaimer that basically said "if you disagree, don't call me a young immature bitch, you don't know what i've been through and i don't know what you've been through. if you want to disagree with what i said, be mature about it" however, i didn't because i thought that you guys were mature enough to actually try to not act like a 5 year old about what i said
16 fuckin years old and you've been through alot eh?

16 fuckin years old and you're and expert on depression.

You sound like a moron.

Go watch sesame street until you grow the fuck up.

fuck you, you don't know me, you don't know what i've seen or lived through

btw, epic fail on the sesame street statement
Convincing ones self of an illness or being clinically diagnosed are two different things.

My argument is in defense of those of us that actually do suffer some form of illness.

i completely agree. i think the biggest psychological epidemic in this society is the one where people convince themselves theyre sick when they really arent. and lets face it, that is quite common nowadays.
fuck you, you don't know me, you don't know what i've seen or lived through

btw, epic fail on the sesame street statement

If you don't want to take shit, then don't make bogus statements with absolutely no knowledge whatsoever about a subject. Your claim had no "disclaimer" attached to it. It was a statement made toward people in general.

Dude, your 16 fucking years old. You aint seen nothing yet.
If you don't want to take shit, then don't make bogus statements with absolutely no knowledge whatsoever about a subject. Your claim had no "disclaimer" attached to it. It was a statement made toward people in general.

Dude, your 16 fucking years old. You aint seen nothing yet.

i wasn't saying anything against people that are ACTUALLY depressed, i was talking about the ones who act like their lives are horrible yet, they only do it for attention like what YOU and genocide were just talking about

and, you'd be suprised
i completely agree. i think the biggest psychological epidemic in this society is the one where people convince themselves theyre sick when they really arent. and lets face it, that is quite common nowadays.

Absolutely agree. Everyday of my life I'll here someone say, "ahh I'm depressed today" Of course the statement is made to describe sadness, disappointment among other feelings. True depression and it's symptoms are a horrible thing to live through. And on pcassion the person suffering from them chooses not to live through them any longer.
If you don't want to take shit, then don't make bogus statements with absolutely no knowledge whatsoever about a subject. Your claim had no "disclaimer" attached to it. It was a statement made toward people in general.

Dude, your 16 fucking years old. You aint seen nothing yet.

shut up lotus, you read something into his post that wasn't even there - in fact youve just shown you totally agree with him
i wasn't saying anything against people that are ACTUALLY depressed, i was talking about the ones who act like their lives are horrible yet, they only do it for attention like what YOU and genocide were just talking about

and, you'd be suprised

I hear ya man. But in your original post it seemed you were playing the illness off as something that didn't exist. Kind of like that asshole Tom Cruise.

Take it from someone who has the scars to prove it. It does exist. I lost a large amount of things in mny life due to severe depression. Things I can never get back. My life was nearly one of them. I am happy to be alive today. If it wasn't for a very caring family and a wife that is solid as a rock. I'd be DEAD
shut up lotus, you read something into his post that wasn't even there - in fact youve just shown you totally agree with him

Fuck you, I read exactly what he said. What are you his fucking lawyer. Bet you wouldn't tell me to shut up to my face. Matter of fact. I guarantee that. Stay out of a convo that you are not involved in. Maybe next you wanna suck his cock.
I hear ya man. But in your original post it seemed you were playing the illness off as something that didn't exist. Kind of like that asshole Tom Cruise.

Take it from someone who has the scars to prove it. It does exist. I lost a large amount of things in mny life due to severe depression. Things I can never get back. My life was nearly one of them. I am happy to be alive today. If it wasn't for a very caring family and a wife that is solid as a rock. I'd be DEAD
nah dude, i know it's a real thing

and i find depression interesting. you say that your family brought you out of depression yet, my family is 90% of my problems and i've always been good at bouncing myself back.

edit: i swear, if somebody tells me to get over mommy daddy problems...


when i say family problems, they're not your everyday family problems
nah dude, i know it's a real thing

and i find depression interesting. you say that your family brought you out of depression yet, my family is 90% of my problems and i've always been good at bouncing myself back.

edit: i swear, if somebody tells me to get over mommy daddy problems...


when i say family problems, they're not your everyday family problems

Actually my family didn't bring me out. Getting the right combo of meds after several years played the biggest role. My family more or less was a very big supporter though. Understanding. My wife read several books on Severe Depression when I was first diagnosed so she could understand more about what I was going through.

Alot of times people will say to you, "cmon get out and go fishing or to a ball game, that'll make you feel better" What they don't understand is that the things that you love to do the most are the things you have the least interest in.

It's weird but that's the way it is.