Do you suffer from any mental conditions?

Now that were're on the subject of the depression, anyone here finds a correlation between their state of mind (or emotional state) with the music that you love? (in this case, metal)? I've always noticed that whenever i'm pissed off I usually go back to metal more often than usual.

Any thoughts?
Like WAIF, I don't really talk to much people, and prefer talking to myself in my mind.

I also find myself twitching a lot. Not sure what that would be..
it took me 4 and a half hours to get to sleep the other night, i fucking hate that shit. i have no problem staying asleep once i drop off though.

i don't understand the appeal of alcohol, i think that might be linked to some disorder or other. i seriously get nothing out of it.

The worst times are when you can't sleep all night, and you end up just passing out for twelve hours when you get back from being a wreck at work all day, and then you know you're screwed. :erk:

Drinking helps, though, so you may wanna get over that little gay part at the end of your post.

As for the depressed little girls among you, you may wanna consider taking up fishing. I've never been one to brood and sulk, myself, but whenever I'm down 'cause of some external issue, like some girl causing grief, or death in the family, a long weekend at my family cabin with some nice wine and long days and night by the lakes always puts shit in perspective.

Also, I never have trouble sleeping when I'm in the mountains. :p
Some counselor diagnosed me with depression and ADHD, but they were both proved false. The idiot just wanted money.
Holy fuck some people are messed up man.

I've never really attributed any of my feelings to anything other than rough patches. Occasionally I have a thing where I get really panicky about plans but generally it'll pass, only last a couple of seconds.
Sometimes I wonder if my low worry levels are weird. Like, my a-levels, deciding if I go to uni or whatever and I didn't really give a crap about, just crammed the week before, and scraped a B and a C. I felt like I should've been more worried about the fact I wasn't prepared but I wasn't :p
I'm all too familiar with mental illnesses. I have a few relatives that are directly affected. I also work in the mental health field with kids from 5-18 years of age, from tough backrounds with many types of mental illnesses. I'm no expert in this field but learning much and could offer some stories or advice to some here, if needed.
I suffer from OCD. Much less so now, than I did in grade school (it got to the point where I was made fun of because of it... and as a result, I've always been an introvert my whole life), but it's still there.

And while I haven't been actually diagnosed with depression, it's been a long while since I've truly been happy with my life.
i don't have any real medical problems but, i'm constantly flip flopping moods left and right. going from happy to depressed to angry to sorry to resentful and so on. all of that can happen in an hour and it does quite often.

also, i have a ton of repressed memories. i had quite the fucked up child hood (no, not your everyday "daddy hit mommy and they were divorced and now i cut myself" bull shit kind of child hood) so basically, i'll have flash backs of some of my most fucked up memories at random times and anything can cause it. also because of this, i can't take hallucinagins because i get horrible flash backs.

edit: i figured i'd throw this in... i'm honestly sick of this whole "depression epidemic" too many people are depressed over things that they could easily get over. i've been through a hell of alot in my 16 years and if there are a group of people here that should be depressed, i would be one of them.
edit: i figured i'd throw this in... i'm honestly sick of this whole "depression epidemic" too many people are depressed over things that they could easily get over. i've been through a hell of alot in my 16 years and if there are a group of people here that should be depressed, i would be one of them.

Such a fucking bullshit statement. Everyone seems to think they're the only star in their own little personal soap. Get over yourself; you're not special.
Such a fucking bullshit statement. Everyone seems to think they're the only star in their own little personal soap. Get over yourself; you're not special.

did i say i was special? no. did i say that most people that are depressed shouldn't be? yes. did i say that i am depressed? no. did i say that i don't have made up problems like most people that are supposedly depressed? yes. i'm not special, i'm just not a drama queen.
i don't have any real medical problems but, i'm constantly flip flopping moods left and right. going from happy to depressed to angry to sorry to resentful and so on. all of that can happen in an hour and it does quite often.

also, i have a ton of repressed memories. i had quite the fucked up child hood (no, not your everyday "daddy hit mommy and they were divorced and now i cut myself" bull shit kind of child hood) so basically, i'll have flash backs of some of my most fucked up memories at random times and anything can cause it. also because of this, i can't take hallucinagins because i get horrible flash backs.

edit: i figured i'd throw this in... i'm honestly sick of this whole "depression epidemic" too many people are depressed over things that they could easily get over. i've been through a hell of alot in my 16 years and if there are a group of people here that should be depressed, i would be one of them.[/QUOTE]

So heres where the assinine statements start to flow.

Depression is not a sickness that has anything to do with "getting over something bad that happened in your life"

Depression is caused by chemical abnormalities in ones brain. Bad things happening in ones life can be what triggers depression.

Being sad your dog dies or your best friend moved away is not depression. Depression is when you can't and don't want to get out of bed regardless of whether or not you'll lose your job. Depression is not wanting to do the things or activities in life that have always caused you pleasure. Depression is self medicating with drugs and alchohol to escape the misery you are suffering through.

As a 16 year old kid, you HAVE NO CLUE what depression actually is. And to ridicule or make silly statements such as "get over it" just shows how uninformed and ignorant you are to the subject.

This thread was an awesome idea by the person who started it. It gives some of us someplace to share our thoughts on some of our REAL mental illnesses no matter how severe.

If you don't have anything positive to coontribute to this thread, keep your fucking mouth shut, Try not to show how ignorant and childish you really are.
Some counselor diagnosed me with depression and ADHD, but they were both proved false. The idiot just wanted money.

this is my biggest concern about the mental health industry. of course not every person is a victim of this, but i think most people would blindly trust a psychologist and that leaves then vulnerable to scams
did i say i was special? no. did i say that most people that are depressed shouldn't be? yes. did i say that i am depressed? no. did i say that i don't have made up problems like most people that are supposedly depressed? yes. i'm not special, i'm just not a drama queen.

16 fuckin years old and you've been through alot eh?

16 fuckin years old and you're and expert on depression.

You sound like a moron.

Go watch sesame street until you grow the fuck up.