Do you suffer from any mental conditions?

Yeah, I mean, I always knew that many metalheads were damaged goods, but hot damn!

I suffer from some insomnia, but that just makes me a better teacher... :erk:

it took me 4 and a half hours to get to sleep the other night, i fucking hate that shit. i have no problem staying asleep once i drop off though.

i don't understand the appeal of alcohol, i think that might be linked to some disorder or other. i seriously get nothing out of it.
Such a coincidence this thread was created because just last week i had a talk with my girlfriend about possibly having anxiety/depression. It's been going on for years and ive tried to overcome it. I am the type of person who seems so calm and collect but in reality i let little things bother me (ESPECIALLY at work) and because i bottle everything up i end up exploding at random times.

I really don't know what to do about this tbh. My girlfriend keeps telling me to go see a shrink and get some help. Is this the right thing to do? / a step in the right direction? Are medications really going to help? I guess this is the appropriate place to post this but its not the easiest thing to do...
I don't have any "mental" conditions, but I have some neurological disorders. The most prevalent is Tourette's Syndrome, which was much worse in grade school. At the time, I had many facial and vocals tics which caused many of my peers to think I was weird. Unfortunately, I really had no idea why they were judging me so harshly, because I didn't even know I was doing any of those things. One time, my fourth grade teacher even set me out of class and made me apologize to another student for "making animal noises" during his presentation. It was an extremely insincere apology though, because I was convinced that she was mistaken and that it was probably another student who was seated near me. Fucking bitch :lol:

I was finally diagnosed in 9th grade and being aware of the problem finally gave me the explanation I was looking for. It also enabled me to try to take better control of my tics, which improved my self confidence and in return improved my social life and reduced the frequency and severity of the tics. The symptoms continued to subside with age as well, and now about ten years later, I'm probably one of the more popular and well liked wherever I go.

As is often the case with Tourette's patients, I also have mild ADD and OCD symptoms. I also had a cognitive evaluation last winter to test for Adult ADD, since my symptoms haven't improved since child hood and we discovered that my "repetitive psychomotor coordination" is severely lagging behind my other cognitive abilities, which fortunately are way above average in most cases. The only other cognitive area that I'm not really strong in is "verbal language," which basically just means that I have a language learning disability.

In any case, none of these disorders really have a profound daily impact on my life and most people don't even realize that I have these "problems" unless I tell them.
I have really bad insomnia, I barely get more than 30 minutes sleep per 24hrs lots of the time. I don't really see it as much of a problem though, I spend lots of the time others sleep reading.
a guy in my lectures has serious ocd and he always makes little yelping noises it's hilarious. i always tell him he's got dirt in his hair and he admitted recently that it makes him uncomfortable. i rule.
I really don't know what to do about this tbh. My girlfriend keeps telling me to go see a shrink and get some help. Is this the right thing to do? / a step in the right direction? Are medications really going to help? I guess this is the appropriate place to post this but its not the easiest thing to do...

If you can't deal with your issues on your own you should go see a shrink. Much better alternative than going through life having depression.
Mild OCD, mainly. I've actually had that eye-blinking fixation that mattsson mentioned, and I also have this problem with noticing other people's ass odors when I sit in a seat that numerous people have sat in, like at work or school. I've noticed that the odor on the chair sticks to my pants after I've sat there, so usually when I get home I change my pants, and keep the smelly pair aside to reuse next time I have to go to work or school. I also keep a recently-used shirt on the seat of my computer chair at home, and switch in another shirt every day to prevent any ass odor from accumulating on my chair.

I'm introverted as fuck, though I'm sure that isn't unique here. I really hate going through the effort of meeting new people, and tend to avoid doing so. On the other hand, if I already know someone I can be pretty active in maintaining the relationship.

I was depressed in 8th to 10th grade, but I don't think depression at that time of one's life is uncommon at all.
What's the reason for that though? I'm the same, most people i see i just want to punch in the face for some reason, it's like i want to find flaws in everyone and focus on that.

people ARE flawed. most people are untrustworthy and i choose to treat them like that.

kids are the exception. cuz kids kick ass...

and im sure all of that can be a sign of some sort of metal whatever. but im not really interested in knowing what...

i happen to think most common psychological "disorders" are bogus anyways
Small OCD issues from the past, which lead to anxieties. I go parties often and am well liked but I distrust people in general and I do not like large groups of people. I am very happy though so it is nothing too bad.
OCD (to a degree)

I also think I might have bipolar disorder but I haven't ever been diagnosed. My moods are never consistant.

I'm starting to overcome depression since I've been learning to deal with the things that used to make me really upset. I've had just about no actual "relationships" because of my inability to maintain a consistant "personality". I've had quite a few random hook-ups and sexual situations which honestly just made me feel worse. I've turned to smoking, drugs, and alcohol over the years to cope with depression (all of which I've learned to moderate a little better but it still remains somewhat of an issue for me).
Never been diagnosed with anything. I never get depressed. If anything, I'm too calm. Things should affect me more. I did have a bout with alcoholism but got tired of it after a few years and just quit. I don't like not being in control of myself.
I suffer from Depression, Insomnia and Misanthropy (if you call it mental disorder).

Depression started maybe 2 years ago, and still now i haven't been treated normally.

I suffered from Insomnia when i was a kid, i had troubles sleeping, rolling in the bed for hours and hours, then maybe i fall asleep for a few hours, then i wake up, and couldn't sleep anymore.

I started feeling Misanthropic for a few years. I hate going out especially by myself those populated places. I hate seeing, meeting new people, that's why i have few friends, whom i only see them at school. That's the reason i never go out and hang out with friends, i stay at home, watch tv, surf the net.