Do you suffer from any mental conditions?

I said my piece. I defended my illness. I thought this could be a cool thread. Hopefully it could get back on track without the silly derogatory comments. Life isn't all about degrading people all the time. Sometimes it's nice to try and help. I will be happy to answer any questions or comments that are sincere. I will not resume any argument with any of you that want to make light of this subject.
I occasionally feel depressed about my lack of success with the female sex, but it is not a crippling ailment, I have too much shit on the go to have time to worry about the lack of a love life (well, usually).

I think I am fairly normal from both a mental and emotional health perspective.
I occasionally feel depressed about my lack of success with the female sex, but it is not a crippling ailment, I have too much shit on the go to have time to worry about the lack of a love life (well, usually).

I think I am fairly normal from both a mental and emotional health perspective.

That's dick sickness, not depression :lol:.
I have anxiety disorders, occasional depression and sometimes suffer from extreme paranoia, mood swings and other related stuff, but I'm usually pretty cool unless something sets me off.
I said my piece. I defended my illness. I thought this could be a cool thread. Hopefully it could get back on track without the silly derogatory comments. Life isn't all about degrading people all the time. Sometimes it's nice to try and help. I will be happy to answer any questions or comments that are sincere. I will not resume any argument with any of you that want to make light of this subject.

Well, I usually agree with your "haven't seen anything yet" comment in regards to youths today, because for the most part, they haven't seen shit or gone through much yet. I've had a tough up-bringing and seen some bad situations myself, so like you its hard for me to feel sorry for some of the youth today.

However, now that I'm working and dealing with seven year olds that have gone through more hell than we can imagine, its all case to case / subjective and definitely an eye-opener. No matter the age, all kids on my unit are safe, disciplined, restrained, medicated, treated, cared for etc. and hopefully released sooner than later to a step-up program or hopefully something even better.
Well, I usually agree with your "haven't seen anything yet" comment in regards to youths today, because for the most part, they haven't seen or gone through much yet. I've had a tough up-bringing and seen some bad situations myself, so its hard for me to feel sorry for some of the youth today.

However, now that I'm working and dealing with seven year olds that have gone through more hell than you can imagine, its all case to case / subjective and definitely an eye-opener.

you work in the child psych unit, right?

once again: i could never have your job. too depressing... i'd probably leave work in tears every day
Recently I've been feeling slightly discouraged about my female situation, but it's really nothing more than general frustration. It got a little worse a couple days ago when two of the Chinese girls who I know both told me that they could probably never date an American guy because of the cultural boundary. Although I'm not personally interested in either one of them, it still bothers me because it seems like this sentiment is shared by a lot of the exchange students and I've been interested in girls before who weren't interested in me either because of my nationality or my race, which I have been culturally preconditioned to believe is wrong. To make matters worse, there's a beautiful girl who I was somewhat interested in last year but never pursued because I figured she wouldn't be interested either and now she's dating some other white guy. And as if that weren't bad enough, I see the two of them holding hands almost everywhere I go and sometimes they both have hickies. This just makes me feel even more regretful about not approaching her when she was available, because now I feel like that honestly could have been me in that position if only my judgment hadn't been skewed by my previous experience.

Still though, I can't really call it anything more than an inconvenience, because I just had sex with some other girl a few times like three weeks ago, BUT I WANT IT NOW!!! :cry:

On a positive note though, I had dinner with a beautiful Japanese girl the other night who barely speaks English, because her other Japanese friend likes my American friend and I was able to talk them all into coming together. Hopefully, even if the other two don't hook up, I can at least get to know this one better and see if she's worth pursuing further before someone else sneaks in on me. This time though, I'm not even going to bother trying to figure out of she likes white guys, I'm just going to go for it at least so I can say I tried.

Sorry for derailing the thread.
like grimmy, and probably this post...

Nah, that's mainly a case of you and her getting upset and taking me way more seriously than I'd ever take you, hence why you and her were the only ones making real insults and reacting defensively. I realize you're in a band and that she's a Computer Science major, but I don't care that much. You have a funny vendetta against me, though. :lol: