do you show off being metal?

Its not a fucking cause that you show your 'support' for. You're not helping flood victims wearing black t's you idiot. You just gain a subconcious satisfaction from being different and that's all what it is about.

Please. Gain a fucking brain that goes well with your advanced age.

Aw and that would displease the gods eh?

I'm questioning the NEED to wear a metal shirt at all. What exactly do you like about it? The music? lol. Seriously... Mathiäs likes to support the band right? Would people walking around reading the band's name make them want to just... idk.. check out a record and perhaps help the poor band members' dying mothers? It's fucking pointless.

That feeble and stupid goal is showing off a rather pointless personal accomplishment of having conquered a musical genre. I don't see a point in showing anything off at all to be honest.. its something a neglected kid would do after he's just gotten a good grade. It's not even an accomplishment of any kind.. its rather childish and immature to be having an open public display of your pride in being a metalhead.

The only good rational explanation would be: "I wear it because I like the album's artwork". (which would be cheaper to get printed yourself than buy a branded one). There are MUCH better designs available elsewhere, and I"m talking about metal designs. But nobody would go for that since they're not accompanied by a killer band's logo.

why so srs?

only cryptal

I'm trying to remember what his name was before that.
Same. I get the "But you look so sweet and innocent."


"But I thought all metal chicks were unattractive tomboys." :rolleyes:

haha. Sad thing is, it is true for the most part. I can't even remember the last time I saw an attractive girl that listens to metal around here.
It protects me from unwanted external body-influencing agents.. extreme weather and squirt gun shots.
Have you seen the anime Full Metal Panic!? Because you sound pretty much like the main character in it. If you have seen it you also know that he has NO social skills whatsoever. May be a coincidence, just sayin'. ;)
You're not the one having to look at your shirt 99% of the time unless you spend that time in front of a mirror admiring your tastes.
So, in your opinion people should not wear the clothes they want to wear, but the clothes they think most other people wants them to wear?
Sums up the ideology I'm ridiculing here. Metal shirts don't extend SHIT. The music should not have anything to do with the imagery that on most occasions forms the primary shade for it being depicted and eventually sold how it is.
In what way do the fact that people are wearing bandshirts affect the music?

Not sure why I care to post this, but everyone knows that arguing on the internet is the shit so. :p
Either I hear that they are jealous and wish they had hair like mine, or play with it.

Not sure if the first one is a bad thing.