do you show off being metal?

There are so many stupid things in this post that I have to take my time pointing them out.

Nobody said that they need to wear a metal shirt. I thought I told you to make sense.
Fine, lets phrase it as a 'desire'.

What do you like about what you wear?
It protects me from unwanted external body-influencing agents.. extreme weather and squirt gun shots.

I like wearing metal shirts because I like the way that they look.
You're not the one having to look at your shirt 99% of the time unless you spend that time in front of a mirror admiring your tastes.

I like wearing metal shirts because I like the bands on the shirts that I wear.
They're musicians.

That doesn't mean I wear the shirts for the benefit of other people. In the winter, for example, I usually have a jacket zipped up all the time. Technically, I could wear any shirt at that point, since nobody can see it anyway. Then why do I still wear a metal shirt? Because that is what I like to wear. I'm comfortable wearing metal shirts. The music is something that is highly important to me, and the shirts are an extension of that.
Sums up the ideology I'm ridiculing here. Metal shirts don't extend SHIT. The music should not have anything to do with the imagery that on most occasions forms the primary shade for it being depicted and eventually sold how it is.

It fits who I am. I would not be comfortable wearing Abercombie and Fitch or some fancy designer shirts because it's not representative of who I am, and I don't care for the clothing.
lol It 'fits who you are', your clothes are 'an extension of your tastes' and you don't care for the clothing? Dude, maiden and priest ARE your abercombie and fitch! That's the point I'm trying to make.

Whether or not somebody ultimately discovers a new band because they see it on somebody's shirt has not bearing on whether or not wearing a band shirt constitutes supporting a band. This is also completely ignoring the fact that just buying the shirt is supporting the band.

And why would you not wear a shirt that you bought?
Never was even once the topic of wardrobe circulation under discussion.

You're assuming that this is why I, or anyone else, wear what we choose to wear. In fact, your entire argument is based on stupid assumptions. The only goal that I have pertaining to clothing is to wear clothes that are both comfortable to wear and that I feel comfortable in. I would hardly even say that I've "conquered a musical genre" to begin with, in fact. That's just a ridiculously silly thing to say.
Your interpretation of my use of the word 'conquered' was slightly off from what I tried to use it as. It's just that... a guy wearing a metal shirt says "I like metal" louder than any band affinities he/she or the shirt may have.

Now here's a hefty chunk of fucking stupid.

Assumption #1: Wearing metal shirts is showing off.
Assumption #2: Wearing metal shirts is seen by the wearer as an accomplishment.
Assumption #3: Wearing metal shirts necessitates the intention of public display.
Assumption #4: Wearing metal shirts necessarily constitutes pride in a subculture.

Justify these, and then get back to me.
More kids wear metal t-shirts for the statement than for any form of personal satisfaction that you or a handful of other metallers might get from it. No, I won't justify these because these are not the supreme court's orders.. these are fucking opinions. I just personally think these things.

Or "I wear it because I like the shirt as a whole."
Like how its the only black cotton shirt in the world with a pretty enough neck that goes well with your beard? C'mon man, a metal t-shirt has one and only one vital part to it.. the band logo/artwork.

And if your desire is to support the band financially, how does this help?
I'll give you this one.

It also takes a lot more effort to have a shirt printed for yourself than to simply buy one from the band. I would also feel cheap, and thus not comfortable, wearing a bootleg shirt.
I personally don't care about clothing and what its shaped/colored/madeof. Whatever's cheap and available easily I'll wear it. But that's just me.

Don't mistake your stupid opinion for fact.
Never did. All of what I've said is nothing but opinion.

edit: gah i went afk for dinner

cryptal is exemplifying the anti-trend trend

If it wasn't the 'half-life' logo (which it clearly was), what did you think it was?
Read the post again.
I seem to remember Cryptal having more than one half life avatar. I know he had Freeman for a while, but I thought he had the Black Mesa logo as his av as well.

I like clothes and having different dress codes,etc.. I use to wear a band shirt if a friend and I are jamming and writing old school DM riffs which is rare now and don't jam anymore. I sometimes want to and think of girls I could have been with and ruined it and honestly this has a role in it besides me fucking up completely. I use to be more focused on playing guitar drinking doing drugs listening to music and jamming over anything else. I just think it would be pointless to continue all this and than one day be like 30 and like WTF. maybe not even make it to 30 years old

I'm already in really bad shape internally.
I can understand and it makes sense when musicians/bands who are constantly recording rehearsing writing and touring wear shirts or have a specific image because it's their life, but the entire fans of certain bands or just metal always looking like it's halloween,etc. just does not make any sense. If you are in a band for example you have to do photoshoots for albums so it would make sense for a band to have an image.

Anyone ever just been in a grocery store or just any store and their is one person who has a dimmu borgir shirt on with nails painted wearing eyliner,etc... :lol:. I just find it fucking hilarious. I really doubt dimmu borgir go out in public or shopping dressed like they do when they are touring.
Anyone ever just been in a grocery store or just any store and their is one person who has a dimmu borgir shirt on with nails painted wearing eyliner,etc... :lol:. I just find it fucking hilarious. I really doubt dimmu borgir go out in public or shopping dressed like they do when they are touring.

Sure have, and the Dimmu/Cradle kids always try to act the grimmest, they have a walk about them and I.M.S.(imaginary lats syndrome), when most often times they are skinnier than a new sprouted sapling. They make me giggle like a school age girl.