3 things you have to do before you die?

1. bungee-jumping (thank you ralf...)
2. see a show of turmion kätilöt together with Circus Mundus Absurdus
3. write a novel
also I would want to travel around the whole world, visiting all places I've not been before.
kill this kid i hate at school
have one good last round with my wife
bending over and kissing my ass goodbye
MTLHEAD_789 said:
1. meet james hetfield
2. destroy ryan seacrest
3. blow james hetfield up with TNT


If you meant travel to 1986 to meet James, it would be acceptable, because Metalica was awesome then.

Now youa re just looknig to have Lars annoy you to the point of face implosion.
1. Kill all the retarded/disabled/elderly/fat people they are only taking up space!
2.Marry and have evil spawn with either Pieter, Derek(Rudi;) ), or Andy.......
3.Blow up COB's bus with them inside! :D
Well I don't see how that could be a problem, I'm in for all three of you too!:D
The Soulforged said:
my mommy says any girl who has sex with more than 3 people is a slut
You're mommy would be right! Tell her to stop sleeping with the milk man, mailman, and your next door neighbor! :loco: