What bands do you hope come back this Year??

Man Cellador better get their shit released this year, because their singer and drummer have a new side project called Desire 2 Destroy that's already getting stuff done.

Also, I reeeally hope Axenstar comes back with something brilliant this year. They've been silent for the past year or so, and their last album wasn't anything special - their first two were brilliant, and their third was close behind them. But I guess they're still stuck with only two members... No idea if they're still active. :erk:
I was just gonna post that! Glad to see I'm not the only Celesty fan (well, I'm not really a fan of their first two albums aside from the Legacy of Hate songs and Breed From The Land Unknown, but Mortal Mind Creation is killer, a definite step-up for the singing too! Empty Room is brilliant). I hope Legacy of Hate Part 3 is as catchy as the first two.

Oi, Williams! I want a word...
