Who knows Angra and Shaman ?


Jul 18, 2002
Porto Alegre, Brazil
Visit site
I noticed that quite a few people here know them :(

that's a shame because they're fucking amazing,
both from Brazil

Angra is on the road since 1991 but in 1998 they split up and
Shaman was created, it has the formers vocalist, bassist and drumer from Angra(Andre Matos, Luis Mariutti, Ricardo Confessori) plus the brother of the bassist that has joined them (Hugo Mariutti)
recently they released their first record "Ritual"

meanwhile Eduardo Falaschi (vocals), Felipe Andreoli (bass) and Aquiles Priester (drums) joined Kiko Loureiro and Rafael Bittencourt (Angra guitarrists) to continue with Angra

they are pretty famous in Japan and Europe, but unfortunally in USA they aren't well-known

i really recomend to whoever enjoys EXCELLENT music


Angra's latest album, "Rebirth" is awesome... one of the best power metal albums I have ever heard... Edu Falaschi sounds great...

...but I never liked any of Angra's old stuff... I can't stand the vocals of Andre Matos... he sounds like a woman...
I love the new Angra, I listened to some of the old Angra and got turned off of it by Andre's vocals. Edu is much better imo. I am looking forward to their new album very much so. And as for Shaman i wouldnt touch that with a ten foot pole because i know instantly i would regret listening to it. Ive said before, vocals make or break an album for me.

Originally posted by Soul of Ice
I love the new Angra, I listened to some of the old Angra and got turned off of it by Andre's vocals. Edu is much better imo. I am looking forward to their new album very much so. And as for Shaman i wouldnt touch that with a ten foot pole because i know instantly i would regret listening to it. Ive said before, vocals make or break an album for me.


I agree, Anton.
The old new angra vs old angra :lol:
I "vote" for new Angra,much more technical and "powerful"..
Yes,I'm one of the André Matos dislikers,but I love his job in his first band,Viper.
I don't really heard much thing from Shaman,but I dont liked what I heard.
Rebirth is the best Angra album by far(in my opinion),but old Angra have great songs too..Try Carolina IV :)
Ah,and I think the new Angra's *new* musicians are much more creative than their precedents.Aquilles is a Drum Monster,Felipe a speed freak bassist and Edu is the vocal precision himself :lol:
The old ones are good too.Bah I'm talking too much,that's it.But this thread leads to nowhere,always. :lol:
yeah ..... unfortunally there are some meaningless fights between new Angra and Shaman fans, discussing who is better etc etc
good that they are in minor number :)

I like both very much
although I have personal preferences

EDIT: to whoever doesn't like the old Angra because thinks Matos sings like a woman, It won't be worthless to take a look at "Ritual", he has changed his style a bit

Originally posted by Annie
Angra sucks now!!

Shaman is awesomeeeeeeee!!
Cant wait to get their new album!! :)
its not out here yet!! :(
I saw them live last year and they played lots of new songs

huhuhuhu tradição comanda

mas o Ritual chegou hoje na Galeria do Rock

pena q acho q vai demorar mais um pouco pra chegar em Porto Alegre
I've liked Angra for quite some time now (even before I got into SyX). I thought that they would be done for when Andre left but boy was I wrong! Rebirth is an incredible album, I dont miss the other guys at all! I havent heard anything from Shaman though I am interested to see what they'll come up with. I cant wait to see Angra at Progpower III!!! :D
Originally posted by Yngvai X
I've liked Angra for quite some time now (even before I got into SyX). I thought that they would be done for when Andre left but boy was I wrong! Rebirth is an incredible album, I dont miss the other guys at all! I havent heard anything from Shaman though I am interested to see what they'll come up with. I cant wait to see Angra at Progpower III!!! :D

i think u cand find their material in the net (kazaa for example)

today i bought Ritual and already got it signed because tomorrow Shaman is playing here in Porto Alegre, so there was an autograph session :)

That is one of the most upsurd things I have heard. If someone doesn't like them thats fiine but saying the suck is so far off base I would say that a controled substance may have been taken while listening to said band and making said opinion, ces't la vie.

In my personal opinion I think new Angra is the best line up for the band and the best music that they have ever played, Edu is a great vocalist and I think he fits better with Angra than did Matos.

Shaman is very good, I really like the cd, its done very well. But there is one very important piece of the chemistry in the band that is seriously lacking and that is the guitar work. while Hugo is a good guitar player he is nothing even close to what Rafael and Kiko are to the guitar. again my opinion based on 22 years of guitar playing. I guess I will close this one out with To each his own when it comes to music and opinions but I seem to be saying that alot, so whatever .

i TOTALLY disagree with u Bear!
I like Angra since they actually started, they got me into metal actually :)
Angra is what they made on Holy Land/Angels Cry albums.. after those albums it's not Angra anymore.. it was just some weird music.. i do NOT like their new formation and i DO think they suck now.. sorry if some ppl dont agree but its my opinion anyway..
Shaman is what Angra was supposed to be on Fireworks..