What does everybody think of Armored Saint

Apr 23, 2006
Im on really just getting into them, some good thrash stuff in there. I really like John Bush's voice and Joeys bass playing, haven't seen them discussed on this forum so i thought id check out what everyone thought...
Man, I had their first album on vinyl back in like 84 or 85. There is absolutely nothing wrong with picking up metal releases like Armored Saint if you need to fill in your collection from that period.
I have an old vinyl to. Don't remeber how they sound. Not even sure if i still have the vinyl left. I remember that I thought it had a cool cover when i bought it.
still wondering how Metallica and Anthrax would've turned out had John Bush accepted the invitation to be Metallica's singer in the 80's
whenharlequinsfall, what's some good songs to start with??

Go get the Symbol of Salvation, its an insanely good album. or if your just gonna go with songs d/l Reign of Fire.
As good as Bush's voice is, i think that Hetfields voice was wat made metallica great, at least up to the Black Album. And he does alrite in Anthrax, much better than joey.