What does this need?

Wider mix. The stereoimage on guitars and symbals is too narrow. How did you pan? Kick drum is fighting alot with both guitar and bass. Try make room for the instruments. Think what that instrument is supposed to deliver and clear the way from other instruments for it :) Buuut thats me.
Wider mix. The stereoimage on guitars and symbals is too narrow. How did you pan? Kick drum is fighting alot with both guitar and bass. Try make room for the instruments. Think what that instrument is supposed to deliver and clear the way from other instruments for it :) Buuut thats me.

I panned 1 take doubled 1 100L, 80L then another take same way 100R, 80R. I did do a high and low shelf around 60 hz, and 8000hz. Now when i'm making way is that in turns of volume, or eq? I'm pretty novice, and probably don't have a good foundation on technique, and what not.
the drums sound pretty like.... guitarpro. you should just re-do the drums from scratch and the rest will probably mostly fall into place. make the snare way louder than it is.

I'm diggin' the riffs a lot though! lead tone is nice too.
[UEAK]Clowd;9556879 said:
the drums sound pretty like.... guitarpro. you should just re-do the drums from scratch and the rest will probably mostly fall into place. make the snare way louder than it is.

I'm diggin' the riffs a lot though! lead tone is nice too.

Thanks man, I definitely appreciate it. Now do you mean the drum parts sound like guitar pro, like unrealistic, or the way the kit sounds, it sounds cheap and digital?
Sounds good. I like the your use of different time sigs, and your song writing is pretty creative, but i'm not hearing the "hook" in the song (the recurring phrase) Are you going to put vocals on this? If so, I can't wait! Agree with clowd re: snare should come up.
Sounds good. I like the your use of different time sigs, and your song writing is pretty creative, but i'm not hearing the "hook" in the song (the recurring phrase) Are you going to put vocals on this? If so, I can't wait! Agree with clowd re: snare should come up.

Thanks for the comment man, I really appreciate it. Our style really doesn't necessarily focus on a hook, but more a smooth progression of riffs, and phrases. There are some songs that have a hook, but the songs are dominantly progressive, and the song is constantly shaping. This is one of 13 on a new record i'm recording. Got 11 done right now, and there will be vocals. Hoping to release it in a couple of months. If you want to get an idea for the vocals our myspace is www.myspace.com/solaceandstablemetal the first 2 songs are early rough mixes of songs that will be on the new album.
Checked out songs with vocals

Seclusive Remedy is my fav

Thanks man! Definitely appreciate you checking it out. I actually did vocals on that album. That was the first album I ever recorded. Good learning experience. I want to re-record it some day. Thats definitely one of my fav songs to play live.