What ethnicity/culture/whatever are you?

wonderful thread.

25% Ukrainian
25% Norwegian
25% English
12.5% French
12.5% ??? (probably 6.25% Native american and an additional 6.25 english or french)

I guess that makes me part Slavic, part Nordic and part Celtic(?) in relatively equal amounts. Good luck for me to try and figure out which form of heathenism I should follow.
Great idea for a thread.

Me=family from Hong Kong/China (I'm Hakka, Han, etc. etc.) and Canadian (lived here all my life).
I am half Romanian , half Hungarian ... even though I am originally from Romania, I speak Hungarian fluently but my Romanian is spotty.
Have been living in NYC for 20 years now.

Can't wait to hear JK's explanation of his roots :D

part Nordic and part Celtic(?)
so you are like ... hmm .. Celtic Frost? :loco:
Whitebread sumbitch with an afro.

Lots of German, unconfirmed traces of Italian and/or Jewish and/or Welsh.
What bitch? My great grandparents were SS officers after my distant hooknose of a relative, Uncle Saul. :mad:

NicodemiX said:
I guess that makes me part Slavic, part Nordic and part Celtic(?) in relatively equal amounts. Good luck for me to try and figure out which form of heathenism I should follow.
lurch70 said:
Can't wait to hear JK's explanation of his roots :D
What do you expect for a dude that communtes from New York to freakin' Chicago for work!? :loco: