what in the name of holy fuck

I listen to a lot of Janusz Olejniczak... but I gurantee you I could whip the shit out of some little hxc faggot. God I hate this world. Bring on the apocalypse.
ahhh....poor dumb kids.
oh, and thank those fuckers for RUINING napolean dynamite. that movie was made for people who actually remember the '80s. damn, i hate today's youth with a passion.

questions: what are "throwdown" and "x'ing it up at shows"?
dorian gray said:
questions: what are "throwdown" and "x'ing it up at shows"?

Throwdown is a straightedge hardcore band, and "x'ing it up at shows" refers to how Straightedge kids put huge ass X's on the back of there hands to show how much booze they don't drink and how much sex they don't have.
heh, i remember hearing about straightedge many years ago. maybe ten or so. i just remember i was smoking a huge amount of weed at the time and i thought the word "straightedge" was funny.