What ever happened to...


Nov 30, 2004
...DVS Records. They used to have a great compact roster of prog. bands including Wolverine, Voyager and Chrome Shift. Chrome Shift, I thought, was really going to be an up-and-coming band and they just disappeared like their label I guess!

That's unfortunate...I really liked that band! Surprised they were not picked up...unless the just decided to fold before they reached an offer.

Thanks for the info.


I don't remember exactly what happened. I have the demos here somewhere. We talked about doing it at one point but I think they more or less dissolved before it turned into anything.

I don't remember exactly what happened. I have the demos here somewhere. We talked about doing it at one point but I think they more or less dissolved before it turned into anything.

Do you think they would let you release the Demos???/ or sigh them to the L/E or Sensory Label..:grin:
Cool label my favorite band on DVS was ALIAS EYE their first CD "Field Of Names" is amazing...some great guitar work and just cool retro style prog rock...too bad the original guitarist left the band.