What exactly is a "blast beat"?

Dreamer Deceiver

aka Pimpbot5000
Apr 20, 2003
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Okay, I think I have an idea, but I just wanted to make sure. Is a blast beat like a synthesized drum beat or is it when they just beat on the drums real quick style in black/death metal, or maybe a combination of the both?
There is a certain BPM it has to reach before it it considered a blast beat. I believe it's 170 BPM's, not sure.
Pieless said:
There is a certain BPM it has to reach before it it considered a blast beat. I believe it's 170 BPM's, not sure.
Haha, I doubt there's a precise tempo, Captain Dorko. But yeah, it does have to be very fast.

If you want to hear classic blastbeats, listen to Immortal's "Battles In the North" album...it's riddled with blastbeats, as is most black metal in that style.

Opeth doesn't do blastbeats.
I see, for some reason I always thought they were associated with synthesized drumming. I actually have Sons of Northern Darkness so I could recongnize the blast beats pretty easily, I just didn't know how they were done. I didn't think drumming like that was humanly possible o_O

Thanks guys.
If you think Immortal's are insane, listen to Cryptopsy. Flo Mournier is one of the best in the death metal genre. He not only does blasts, but what I call "blah" beats, because sometimes they're so fast, it just sounds like a big "blah." Hardly any separation. Really insane. Nick Barker from Dimmu Borgir is also a really fast blaster.
Flo is a bloody god.. Favorite alltime drummer.. He's a machine.. hell, hes better than a machine. Watching him live defies all laws of physics. err.. he defies them that is..

Cryptopsy = insane.. cant wait to hear what they sound like with the new vocalist!! bakcto lord worm style!! yay!
I saw them live with the new guy, and I've heard None So Live. He is way better than DiSalvo. Vocally, they're going back toward the Lord Worm style, but musically, it's going to be like ...And Then You'll Beg, but weirder :lol:
I love blast beats, but i think they should be used in moderation. To many drummers us them as a crutch. It like, "lets work out a drum beat to this riff, Oh fuck it I'll just blast beat it." I know Black metal is synomous with it but i think it detracts from the music. Black metal would be so much better if they just lessened on the blast beatage and got rid of the fucking Clown make up. But thats another argument.
MetalHeadMarc said:
I love blast beats, but i think they should be used in moderation. To many drummers us them as a crutch. It like, "lets work out a drum beat to this riff, Oh fuck it I'll just blast beat it." I know Black metal is synomous with it but i think it detracts from the music. Black metal would be so much better if they just lessened on the blast beatage and got rid of the fucking Clown make up. But thats another argument.
You need to listen to better black metal, then
I thought that a blast beat was a fast double bass while at the same time hitting the snare, once per bass hit, at the same time, and using the high hat at the same time as the snare and bass drum.

EDIT: I could have explained this in an easier way....
Blastbeats are alternating; i have no idea what you call it when you're hitting snare and bass simultaneously. Needless to say, there's no skill in doing that. Blastbeats are almost always done with snare, but they can be done with just hats, or with both. Personally, I find little more satisfying than when a death-metal drummer throws some hi hats or even cowbells into the blastbeats. mmmmMmMmmMmmm. Yummeh. (Flo, Mauricio Weimar, Bastiaan Herzog...)