What free plugins are you using?


Anssi Tenhunen
just out of curiocity... links preferred but not nessecary. I use:

- AIX Acoustic Electri-Q (posihfopit edition) http://www.kvraudio.com/get/2470.html
- Simul Analog Guitar Suite http://www.kvraudio.com/get/465.html
- Studio Devl British Valve Custom http://www.studiodevil.com/download/downloadBVC.htm
- Nick Crow Wagner Sharp Mk II http://www.ultimatemetal.com/forum/equipment/415282-wagner-sharp-mkii-out.html
- Habib Kefir http://www.kvraudio.com/get/2775.html
- Voxengo SPAN http://www.kvraudio.com/get/1023.html
- Buzzroom BuzMaxi3 http://www.kvraudio.com/get/1649.html
- MANY gvst plugins http://www.gvst.co.uk/effects.htm
- George Yohng W1 (waves L1 clone) http://www.yohng.com/w1limit.html
- SSS sidechain plugins http://www.kvraudio.com/get/1315.html
- Flux Bitter Sweet II http://www.kvraudio.com/get/2751.html
- Fretted Synth Freeamp3 (still waiting for the multiple copies update tho) http://frettedsynth.home.att.net/
- Mr Mono http://www.gersic.com/audio.php?id=26
- Bootsy TesslaSE http://rekkerd.org/bootsy-plug-ins/
- Voxengo Boogex http://www.kvraudio.com/get/1818.html
- Aradaz Amps http://aradaz.blogspot.com/
- e-Phonic LOFI http://www.kvraudio.com/get/737.html
- Camel Audio Camel Crusher http://www.kvraudio.com/get/2436.html
- Christian Knufinke SIR1 http://www.kvraudio.com/get/736.html
- Kjaerhus Audio Classic Series http://www.kjaerhusaudio.com/classic-series.php
- MDA plugins http://mda.smartelectronix.com/
- JB Ferox http://www.kvraudio.com/get/2718.html
- TAL Tube http://www.kvraudio.com/get/2962.html
- YouWaShock! http://youwashockvst.googlepages.com/
- Majken Grizzly http://www.majken.se/content/view/6/9/lang,en/

and many others that I just can't remember right now. You?
To add to that (sorry, I don't have the links):

Nick Crow's Simple Combo and WagnerSharp (orginal version...I just like it more)
ADT - Artificial Double Tracking
Ambience (reverb)...extensively use this on snare and toms.

Edit: oops. Didn't notice Tessla listed there.
Freeverb dawg! And I haven't heard of a lot of those, but the YouWaShock description has me dying ("Excrete excite sound for your trucks," AWESOME!! :lol: ) I think there was a thread about this awhile ago in the equipment section...
And a BIG +1 to the AIX Acoustic Elecrti-Q (free version), DAMN does that sound good (especially in analog mode, I always leave it that way)
Haha, yeah, I admit that was kinda daunting to me as well, but all you have to do is turn the four knobs under the "Amplifier" section to 0, and that's it! As for stereo, why would you need that, unless your applying the impulse to a guitar bus? (which doesn't seem like the best idea, it's like running multiple guitar parts through the same cab)
do you know any good free phase meter and phase corrector?
thanks for the help

i use:

Gclip (A LOT)
Nick crow´s tube driver
voxengo span