What goes into an effect like this?


Mediocre metal maker
Dec 18, 2010
Suffolk, United Kingdom
Something that's always made me wonder is how an engineer is able to create a sound like at the start of this song:

There's definitely some reverse cymbal in there, but I know it's not just that. It sounds a bit like an inhale as well before the guitars come in. The only thing I can think of is maybe it is an extra reverse cymbal but with some distortion on it like Bitcrusher, but besides that I have no clue.

Do you guys have any idea what it could be?

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Reverse ride hit with a gong stick maybe?
Left channel seems to have something really distorted reversed. Maybe a cymbal?
Right channel has a silent growl reversed or just done in a way it sounds like reversed one (like oooOOOA) :D

Maybe even try to reverse the original to hear what it sounds like when it's not reversed.

Thats my 2cents
shit like this is simple, but tedious...

just be as creative as you can and have a MASSIVE sample library available to you... better to do something new rather than copy a (rather simple, if I may add) short 'swell' before a song.

I make all my 'production efx' by hand this way... start with some cool samples, weird sounds i kept from the session (a GREAT habit to get into), etc, etc and then start mangling them all to fuckery. =D