What happend at anthrax.com since 04-01?


Oct 24, 2002
Visit site
What a killer new Homepage.. pics, downloads, news, discoraphy,...every minute... but i doesnt found it...

@webmaster anthrax.com

the old page have nice old pics an storys. can you link the old one?
um well thats baffled me anyway...........

if you are saying the new website stinks, i agree............. no alphamail, no blastbeat, no link to the shop even.............nevermind things like pics or media to get at

just a propaganda piece goebbels himself would be proud of
This site isn't as informative as the old site. But a new look was long overdue however. Just needs more content. Maybe something is in the works now. This just could be a filler page until the new site is done.

very diplomatic thraxman......ok i am appeased.........for now :) heh

hope summink improves tho, v dull right about now..........
I have to agree with the rest of the bunch here. The new site is very dull and boring looking:ill: Way to much hype for the new site for what it is. What happened to all the blast beat's and alphamail's?
new site SUCKS!
old site was colourful (cool icons and little graphics by brent) - now this looks like some piece of corporate crap.
very cold.
yeah cold is defo the word i'd use

i hope it links up to the old alpha mails and beats at some point........
The new site smacks of $$$$$$, bad excuses and a family portrait which rivals the Mansons for creep-value.
have to agree, the old site was crazy, all over the place, bit chunky, but it did the job and had some great stuff on it. the new site has almost no colour, looks more like promo stuff than a proper info page, and almost completely fails to acknowledge their best era. the countdown page was fuckin cool, but now its awful. hope its improved soon, along with the lineup ; )
Yeah very Bland, not enough color. Next to nothing for things to read.

Im hoping ts just like this for the classic lineup then it goes back, but things from the old page need to be linked to, badly.

Theres No News Just Bull Shit cos they are Still hiding the fact that Nobody is telling us the the Truth , about what has happend and why its happening and what the future holds!!!

It as if the rest of the band have been just forgotten about ????