What happened to Flight 447? what are your theories?

mick thompson

AKA: Ross Canpolat! SM!
Nov 3, 2005
Dublin, Ireland
What happened to Flight 447?

What are your theories?

im completely baffled. i suppose it must have been weather. they were flying through one of the worst effected areas of thunderstorms so if lightning hit their weather radar (which is the only device not protected by emp's or sudden electrical charges) they were flying blind and headed straight into a storm.

they claimed there was an electrical failure on board before contact was lost but on those planes there are 4 independent electrical systems so if one system went down it automatically switches to manual mode to give the pilot full control.

what do you guys think?

hopefully they will find a black box or something so that the poor families can put their minds at ease at what happened.
Aliens... :err:

No seriously, I feel bad for the families, I just cant believe they have not found any wreckage yet.
It's been "funny" in the past year or so, the events of the world have seemed to follow the events of Tom Clancy books based on my progress reading them :lol:

Last autumn: The Sum of All Fears -> Israel started their attacks against Palestina
Last autumn: Debt of Honor -> The economy collapsed
Last december: Executive Orders -> The US president was attacked (with a shoe)
Now: Executive Orders -> Airplane disappears (and is used for clandestine operations)
Earlier this year: Rainbow Six -> Pig flu epidemic

So, the next event in the world is China attacking Russia (The Bear and the Dragon). I guess I'll see the fireworks up, close and personal :lol:
Well, I think it's more accurate to say there are far more crashes in the modes of transit you mentioned, but if one were to look at the crash-to-fatality ratio, something tells me flying would definitely be at the top (in other words, you're far more likely to survive a crash in a boat or car, and probably even train!)
You do know that a train, bus or boat is statistically far more likely to get you killed? :)

Dudeeee plllleaaaase.

At least you die on the ground in an instant.


I don't care what the statistics are. Planes and flying are not for me.

And I don't like boats either.
It's been "funny" in the past year or so, the events of the world have seemed to follow the events of Tom Clancy books based on my progress reading them :lol:

Last autumn: The Sum of All Fears -> Israel started their attacks against Palestina
Last autumn: Debt of Honor -> The economy collapsed
Last december: Executive Orders -> The US president was attacked (with a shoe)
Now: Executive Orders -> Airplane disappears (and is used for clandestine operations)
Earlier this year: Rainbow Six -> Pig flu epidemic

So, the next event in the world is China attacking Russia (The Bear and the Dragon). I guess I'll see the fireworks up, close and personal :lol:

Are you saying Tom Clancy is jesus?
Annual statistics for US only ( all averages are based over the last 20 years )
Lightning Bolts : 67
Motor vehicle: 45,600
Tornado: 4000

This is the number of air fatalities: 714 ( in the world !!!!! )

This is what I found on 2 websites........

Offcourse it's really sad for all the families to whom this happened.
They're in my prayers.
Very strange disappearance indeed... so let's go raid Google Earth everyone, let's find that fucking plane! Haha, err, too early for jokes.

No but seriously, it's fucking strange how something totally disappears like that with today's technology. They should atleast have a last known position of the plane so if it did go down because of a lightning bolt, it must've crashed not too far from the last known position. If it got damaged but still kept on flying... it could be anywhere I suppose :( Man that's fucked up.
but the problem is you cant just see it from satellites or choppers or whatever, cuz the fuselage is sitting on the bottom of the ocean. i'm guessing that save for a few floating debris that is gonna be scattered by the waves, the only hope for finding it is a gps device/black box. hopefully they make those gps/tracking devices better than they make our cheap ass cell phones (sorry, previous phone rant has that on my mind) and they'll find it sooner than later.

if not, conspiracy theories will abound... and the families will never get an answer, how sad.