What happened to Flight 447? what are your theories?

I assume it lost power due to a thunder strom and went into the Ocean. A big place to loose a plane, it might take sometime before they find it.
God opened the sky for them and now they making things from egg cartons in heaven.

No..seriously. I´m afraid of flying in the U.S now :( WTF is happening with this fucking plane??

well it didnt happen in the us so dont worry. and think about the odds of your plane going down. think of how many planes take off and land safely (london airport eg is swamped with planes every few seconds)

your more likely to die in a car accident
Why is so difficult to find a plane?
I mean today we have GPS, satellites, specially on planes!
And everything seem so easy to find on movies using satellites...

Can a lightning strike bring down a plane?
No, no this was not related to the U.S...but I will fly to New York soon by plane..that´s why I´m a bit afraid, when I hear those reports:/ But you´re actually right..it´s a safe way mostly.
ohh yea yea i get ya. my bad!

jevil when it comes to that airplane there are 4 different electrical compartments. all are shielded from lightning except for 1 part, the cone of the airplane nose where the weather radar is. if they shield it then the radar wouldn't work so what i've gathered is lightning hit the cone and caused a ems (electro magnetic surge) in that electrical compartment. now from what i read up the second one electrical compartment goes down the plane automatically switches to manual mode in which a pilot must take over.

there were also flying into a heavily stormy part of the sea and well without a weather radar they didnt realise they were flying into a massive storm and well...etc you get the idea.

just found this on google news - they think they found bits of the plane but they cannot confirm yet. link here : http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/europe/article6415595.ece
ohh yea yea i get ya. my bad!

jevil when it comes to that airplane there are 4 different electrical compartments. all are shielded from lightning except for 1 part, the cone of the airplane nose where the weather radar is. if they shield it then the radar wouldn't work so what i've gathered is lightning hit the cone and caused a ems (electro magnetic surge) in that electrical compartment. now from what i read up the second one electrical compartment goes down the plane automatically switches to manual mode in which a pilot must take over.

there were also flying into a heavily stormy part of the sea and well without a weather radar they didnt realise they were flying into a massive storm and well...etc you get the idea.

just found this on google news - they think they found bits of the plane but they cannot confirm yet. link here : http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/europe/article6415595.ece

I think the problem was Windows XP installed in the plane.

- "Captain Moreiras to ground control... a blue screen is on our monitor, mayday, mayday"
- "Ground control to Captain Moreiras, press Ctrl+Alt+Del"
- "Oh no, it's too late for that!"
.... silence...
The worst part about dying onboard an airplane is the ability to look out the window and seeing the ground getting closer and closer. The ability to actually count down the last seconds of your life