what happened to vintersorganic


Den Sista Ljusbäraren
Jul 20, 2004
haven't been here a while and i was trying to see if there's anything new on the official site and found out it was gone. what a bummer
Yup, expired some time ago but it wasn't being updated anyway. So as long as the core (this forum) is still there..... :)
(I just came to think of that vinters.org would be a nice address to have but it's already being used)
vinters.org cool name
i loved vintersorganic even though it didn't include SR because it was nicely done and included all the lyrics...it was pretty to look at.

is the myspace vintersorganic official or fansite?
i still wonder why people think it's official.
it is sufficient to read the very first introduction lines....:Smug:
i still wonder why people think it's official.
it is sufficient to read the very first introduction lines....:Smug:

Because it's actually really well made? Because it doesn't look like it was made by a 14 year old with Frontpage and a love of all things glitter, like a lot of Myspace pages?

Seriously - it's a great MySpace. Kudos to the maintainer.
Because it's actually really well made? Because it doesn't look like it was made by a 14 year old with Frontpage and a love of all things glitter, like a lot of Myspace pages?

Seriously - it's a great MySpace. Kudos to the maintainer.

i know is really great!
the first impression it gives is to be official....than the you read the text (i suppose, if not why are you on the site?) and you discover is not official :lol:

the web-guy promised an interview with mr V but i havent read anything else about it since then :erk:
Its a shame vintersorganic is defunct. Such a spiffy little flash site it was.
I assume people think it's official because there is no official website anymore and because the myspace does look somewhat professional.
I know several bands that closed their websites and opened an official myspace instead just because it's easier to maintain and program and doesn't require to hire someone to do neeto flash thingies, also webspace costs money while having a page on myspace is free
I don't access normal websites anymore, only myspace, although it lacks unity and creativity in a way...

I have the feeling that people in general have the same approach. Of course we'll have a proper official site later on..but as for now the myspace site is what we'll have. Too much music production is going on at the moment..and we rather join that ride of creativity than put our focus on computer related information canals.

mr V
I have the feeling that people in general have the same approach. Of course we'll have a proper official site later on..but as for now the myspace site is what we'll have. Too much music production is going on at the moment..and we rather join that ride of creativity than put our focus on computer related information canals.

mr V

Interesting, that's good because it means more music for us hehe :) , but an official web-site would be nice indeed.
I don't access normal websites anymore, only myspace, although it lacks unity and creativity in a way...

Hey, don't forget the normal websites please... hehe. :loco:

Web 2.0 has advantages, but as you said, it lacks any creativity. My homesite has not a good design, but for the way that I want to publish the contents, myspace is useless for me.