What if Steven Wilson produced Katatonia?

Blakkheim said:
i dont think bloodbath is a really good example of where the differences are if u really wanna hear them. take a look at swanö's nightingale instead. it's the best example of the exact opposite music to katatonia; happy, lightweight and cheezy.
Oh I thought I'm the only one at this board who thinks so about Nightingale music... I've heard too many opinions it's heartwrenching or something like that.
Frankly, while Steve Wilson is obviously very talented, I don't see any evidence that Katatonia needs any musical input from an outside source. I haven't been dissapointed in a Katatonia album yet, so if it isn't broken don't fix it....
Blakkheim said:
the story is true yes. it all boils down to the fact that dan doesnt like the use of dissonances, expecially not blended in together with "correct" and beautiful harmonies by the book. in these situations, we often refered to old influences from gregor mackintosh of paradise lost's as a unique style, but dan was consistent to let us know he hated that guys playing so bad. so that is where we really went terribly apart, musically.

i dont think bloodbath is a really good example of where the differences are if u really wanna hear them. take a look at swanö's nightingale instead. it's the best example of the exact opposite music to katatonia; happy, lightweight and cheezy.

When you say he dosnt like dissonance, what do you mean exactly? I know what the word dissonance means but it can vary alot depending on the music.
Like the intro to black session, is that the type of sound your refering to?
The production on The Great Cold Distance is fantastic so why try and fix something that's not broken? I'm a fan of Steven Wilson's work but I don't think he'd be the right fit anyway.
Blakkheim said:
i guess its time let me refresh yer memories here...

Dan Swanö (quote) "With Katatonia… I think they are a bit too depressed and heavy for my personal taste. I like this kind of music to be more like Hoobastank or even stuff like Disturbed."

now does that sound like his thinking is in the veins of katatonia?

Absolutely no!!!I wouldn't even expect hearing something like that from him...I didin't know that he's thinking this way.I told that just because of the good job in BMD and the lovely drumming in TD,but i guess i am wrong...Actually you guys are already aware of what you're doing so don't mind me anyway:lol:
madu said:
Eh, it's just the overall clean, dreamy sound of the production, rather than the actual content. Katatonia's lyrics and music would be dark even if Wilson produced the albums, but the sound certainly wouldn't.

I agree about people confusing the clarity of the production with sounding happy, which most PT certainly isn't...His lyrics are just as effective as conveying feelings of depression and loss as Renkse's IMO. I also agree with Katatonia not needing outside input, though I do think Steven would do a suitable job for a Katatonia album.
I agree - the production on TGCD is just too damn amazing. If music that I listen to sounds this good already, I wouldn't even want to imagine anyone else tinkering withthe formula.

One of the best sounding albums I've heard - it REALLy has a punch! And the fact it is such a dark record, it's truly music to my ears.
I'm all in for the Nyström-Renkse combo.
However, I think Wilson would do a wonderful job.

And while we're talking, I know TGCD should sound "cold, perfect etc. etc." but the production is too stiff. The very non-computerized Last Fair Deal Gone Down Sunlight production fucking rocks. Gotta love it. Add the TGCD bass to it, and wow.
The difference between Still Life and Blackwater Park isn't that big, stylewise and even soundwise they're really similar i.m.o.

On topic, it would be interesting to hear what Steve would do, but I don't necessarily think Steve's style would fit Katatonia, though he is able to give any band a very different treatment, for instance Paatos doesn't sound typically Steve Wilson at all. I'd prefer if he would only mix a Kata-album, rather than producing it, let's leave that to Anders & Jonas.

Personally, I'd love for Michael Beinhorn to produce Katatonia. The best album from Soundgarden (Superunknown) was produced by him. Korn's best album (Untouchables) was produced by him. He produced the current Mew album so I think he has got what it takes.

Mew is slightly progressive and vocally very different to similar bands so he knows his vocals (and when not to mess with 'em). He knows How to make records sound big, orchestral almost (Soundgarden and Mew). And he knows how to manage personalities (Korn's album was first produced by someone else, and it didn't work because of tension between producer/band and in the band itself) in such a way that they still deliver a kick-ass product. He knows his stuff and he is very versatile. Heavy, melodic, progressive he has done it all...

