What in bloody fuck happened to Allmusic.com!?!


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
Yeah yeah, I visit that site daily. They just changed their look today I guess, IT LOOKS LIKE FUCKING HOTMAIL!!!!!!!11111111 :yell:

"This world is BULLSHIT."
--Janeane Garofalo as Fiona Apple
Not only that, but it seems it has broken code and doesn't look very good in real, non-broken browsers. Good thing it's a useless shit site then.
It's fucking awful, you have to load 6 cluttered pages to get the information that was once laid out intuitively on one page.
Oh, the thingy that makes Windows know what the songs are called. Doesn't really help me out for finding general discographies though, unless they have a website.


I guess this is it. The layout sucks, but better than AMG New and Shitty Look. I want my old AMG back. Librariousmetallicus covers my metal needs, but I listen to more than metal. D'oh.

By the way, New and Improved almost ALWAYS licks it. :mad:
yeh allmusic was tight. it didnt have the super obscure bands, and a lot of the metal reviews were totally rediculous, but it had the general info on like all genres. theres plenty of sites that have discographies, and plenty that have reviews, but none are as complete as that one. hopefully they'll fix the code so it at least works.
I wrote them two disappointed emails today telling them what a mistake it was to change. You have to load about 10 different pages to get the information that used to be contained on one, and when you expand a review to read the whole thing all the info on the release disappears.

GAY! :yell:
I tried to make them constructive so they might actually read them, instead of succumbing to temptations of writing YUO SUKC DIX!!!!!!!1111111
Haha, I finally got a dialogue going with an actual person on the matter of their site sucking shit now. I doubt it'll make a difference, but at least my complaints get heard by someone. :)