What is Antti's Playlist?


Apr 18, 2002
Wooster, Ohio
Hey Antti, I was wondering what bands you've been listening to lately. Maybe your "inspiration corner" for the new album or just your daily routine of music. I'm interested to hear what you have to say...

Clint H.
I read an interview someone did with you and you said that you were inspired by swamps. Is it only swamps that inspire you? Also, how often do you practice? Is it daily for so many hours or only when you're inspired to write something?

Thanks for answering my questions...

Clint H.
Well, there is many other sources of inspiration including Finnish swamps. I guess what I do is that I just wait for the inspiration to play the guitar. The best method for me is that if the guitar doesn`t give me anything I`ll just lay it to rest. It can last weeks... I used to practice hard in the past but nowadays I just play and try to create new material for Kalmah.
I understand the part about not playing for a few weeks. When I go without guitar for a week or two, I come back with fresh, open ears and am able to create something worthwhile...Thanks for replying! :worship:

Clint H.