What is Crust ?


New Metal Member
Dec 16, 2003
Bxhell, belgium
Hey guys,

I have a question. Can you tell me exactly what crust is.

I perosnaly would consider Crust on the following bands:
-Early Rotten sound ( Drain and Still Psycho, and all their preveous S(p)lits
-Some Parts of Regurgitates " Deviant" album
-and Kriegshot

Am i wrong or ist that style Crust ?

If yes, could you maybe tell me some good crust bands. Becuase I seem to be really into that aggressive " punkisch " style.


Crust is sort of a mixture of punk, metal, doom, and hardcore. Id say think motorhead mixed with celtic frost, or an updated punkier venom. So, it has somewhat simplistic riffs that chug along, whilke creating excellent atmosphere, and may times they throw in clean guitars and synthezisers.

If you like Crust, get Amebix's Arise and Monolith- must haves, and huge influence on so many bands like neurosis etc.
crusties are those dirty punkish type squatter kids who have smelly dred locks and wear thirty layers of clothing while drinking thunderbird and begging for money
Spart-xAnusx said:
Hey guys,

I have a question. Can you tell me exactly what crust is.

I perosnaly would consider Crust on the following bands:
-Early Rotten sound ( Drain and Still Psycho, and all their preveous S(p)lits
-Some Parts of Regurgitates " Deviant" album
-and Kriegshot

Am i wrong or ist that style Crust ?

If yes, could you maybe tell me some good crust bands. Becuase I seem to be really into that aggressive " punkisch " style.



Hmmmm. I don't think I have ever heard the term "crust" before. Although there was a totally great hardcore band (old school hardcore that is, not the new metal shit) called "The Crusties". They rocked. But that was back in the early 80's.

But, that is beside the point. As far as I know, Most of the bands mentioned on this thread fall into either plain old grindcore (Phobia, who totally rules. "Return to Desolation" is easily one of the best grindcore albums EVER, and Rotten Sound) or goregrind (Regurgitate, unless I am thinking of REGURGITATION? Which one did albums EFFORTLESS REGURGITATION, CARNIVOROUS ERECTION, & HATEFILLED VENGEANCE? I don't have my CD list handy, so I don't know if I have the right name, and I always get those bands mixed up).

Gory Elephant said:
But, that is beside the point. As far as I know, Most of the bands mentioned on this thread fall into either plain old grindcore (Phobia, who totally rules. "Return to Desolation" is easily one of the best grindcore albums EVER, and Rotten Sound) or goregrind (Regurgitate, unless I am thinking of REGURGITATION? Which one did albums EFFORTLESS REGURGITATION, CARNIVOROUS ERECTION, & HATEFILLED VENGEANCE? I don't have my CD list handy, so I don't know if I have the right name, and I always get those bands mixed up).


Regurgitate did carnivorous erection.