What is destroying the quality of musicianship?


Wasteland Survivor
Mar 5, 2003
Underneath your bed
Bands don't write talented pieces like they used to, Why?

Skilled players used to improvise for hours, real bands used to be able to extend solos for extra 14 minutes or whatever, play 2 hour encores.What happened? is it Lack of work ethic these days, lack of discipline perhaps, or the Internet games take all study and practice time away from these new kids? Discuss the dying musicianship, and the lost days of legendary guitar players which are coming to a close. There are no new innovaters, just the old legends dying off. Are there any left for the clueless generation? Discuss these frightful thoughts.;
Society has made the decision to explore purely outward instead of inward. In this way the subcultures that brought us introspective geniuses have ended and often the true talent never gets "discovered" because the media (the record labels, the radio, whatever) isn't looking for it.
They start out real good and original because they come out of strife and struggle for their own musical creations, they dont have any money or celebrity status, the environment and situation they live in instigates them to be the best they can and offer their raw material and forge it into perfection and as they forge on ahead they start picking up the cash and fame and they no longer have that inspirational motivational background. Such is Metallica.
Society has made the decision to explore purely outward instead of inward. In this way the subcultures that brought us introspective geniuses have ended and often the true talent never gets "discovered" because the media (the record labels, the radio, whatever) isn't looking for it.

music isn't all that worse these days, it's just that our exposure to it is much higher with all of the media. there have always been total shit artists peddling out shit songs for the cash, that will never end. there are still some really creative artists doing great things.
^ That's pretty much what I figured. Also, people have a tendency to be more critical of the era they're living in, but those same people will look back with fondness on past times even though the problems in that time period were largely the same.
yeah nothing's any worse. there are probably more musicians doing more interesting things now than there ever have been. it's just that there's a lot of crap too. but that's no different from the past. and lol@"extending solos for 14 minutes" being good music
I didn't say everybody sucks dumbass.

What were you trying to say then? How awesome todays music is compared to the past? Or that there were NO shitty bands at all back in the good old day? That musicians in general are lazy or the crap that's getting attention is bad? Of course a lot of the popular music is horrible, but that's not something new, and I'm tired of people whining about that. There is good new music, and talented young musicians, but yeah.

I get it. It's cool to say everything sucks now because it proves you've been around for a while and know what your talking about. Damnit. I want to grow up and become just like you.
I think its hard to reflect on anything thats taking place right now and try to put it in some sort of retrospective.
Wont you agree that really good, specifically influencial, music will be more respected and looked at after a while (say 2 decades)?
My point is that those things have to come in some context, and while being able to see only "half a sentence" today you can tell the context, but maybe in few more years youll get it.

I belive that music isnt individual, it is part of its era and is part of the total development.

(sorry if this doesnt make any sense, im just as tired as hell :))
Pretty much what others said, there's plenty of good stuff it's just not as easily accessible as the crap the media promotes.